Page 33 of Hero Unbound
“You are a goddess,” Lilah said, picking up a petit four and shoving the tiny cake into her mouth.
Ella actually growled. “Have I mentioned how much I hate that you can eat as many of my sweets as you want and never have to worry about it. Meanwhile, I taste one spoonful of batter and gain a pound.”
“Ella owns the Fancy Pants bakery in town. She’s a master of all things treats,” Becky explained.
“I remember that shop from when I was a kid. We used to get cookies there.”
“My aunt Violet sold it to Ella a few years ago.” Lilah bit into another cake. “Said she was the only one who could carry on the tradition in the way it needed to be.”
Eva tried one herself and couldn’t stop the delighted moan that fell from her lips at the rich chocolate and fluffy texture of the mini cake. “That’s so good.”
Ella grimaced. “It’s why I’m a size in double digits and Colton Harrison is never going to know I’m alive.”
Lilah rolled her eyes. “Colton Harrison is more concerned about his stunts than anything else anyway. You should forget him.”
“Colton Harrison, the Adventure Channel star?” Eva asked, eyes wide.
“Yep, followed in his dad’s footsteps. Riley Harrison.” Becky smiled. “And his mom’s too, I guess. Also Riley Harrison.”
Boy Riley and Girl Riley. Eva vaguely remembered being so enamored with them having the same name when she was a kid.
“Enough about Colton,” Lilah said. “Let’s talk more about the kissing.”
“Which time?” Eva asked before slamming a hand over her mouth. All three sets of eyes around her got big.
“There’s been more than one?” Ella asked. “Tell us all!”
“Yeah, we kissed again today. Tucker walked in on us.”
Lilah shook her head. “No wonder he was whistling and grinning like an idiot when he came back to the office this afternoon. He was all”—she turned to a singsong voice—“‘I know something you don’t know.’I thought I might punch him in the teeth.”
Eva pushed the martini glass away from herself. She obviously did not need any moreliquor for a while. “Listen, it wasn’t a big deal. An attraction, but nothing more than that. You know…casual.”
“Oh, honey.” Ella shook her head. “Theo Lindstrom doesn’t do casual.”
Lilah beat her chest with her fist and dropped her voice at least a whole octave. “I am Theo Lindstrom. Protector. Warrior. I take all things seriously.”
“Well, this is casual,” Eva said again.
“The fact that Theo is coming tonight proves otherwise,” Becky said. “He doesn’t come into town very often, and when he does, it’s never for ladies’ night—much to the dismay of most of the women in town. He’s coming to see youuuu.” She dragged the last word out to be two syllables.
Eva doubted that completely. “So, am I ready?”
Becky smiled. “Yes. Go check yourself out in the mirror, then we’ll go.”
Eva walked into the bathroom and did a double take when she saw herself. She looked…different. It had been way too long since she’d put any effort into her appearance. Makeup and hair, skin care routines, hell, even showering, had taken a back seat to merely surviving.
Even before she’d left Gareth, she’d stopped caring about her appearance. It had never been good enough anyway, and he’d had subtle ways of letting her know—changing dinner plans at the last minute and taking her somewhere cheap because she was choosing to look so “pedestrian” had been one of his favorites.
But the woman looking back at her now wasn’t plain or boring. Becky and Ella’s magic had worked. She looked attractive, sultry even. Maybe a little too thin due to missed meals, but the miniskirt and boots definitely played to her strengths—showing off her firm, tanned legs.
But more than that, it was the excitement in her eyes—almost a sparkle—that drew her attention. How long had it been since she’d seen that?
“Okay, quit staring at our masterpiece. It’s time to go.” Becky stuck her head in the door and grinned. “I can’t wait to see Theo’s face when he sees you.”
Honestly, Eva couldn’t either.