Page 8 of Zeke
“Clearly they didn’t care much if they let him get in this state,” he says.
“We don’t know how long he’s been out there. Maybe he ran away like a year ago and hasn’t had anyone taking care of him since then,” I say.
“Maybe,” Rebel replies. “He looks hungry.” Then he leaves.
“Super helpful,” I mumble once he’s gone. I stand up from the chair I’ve positioned next to Bastard and go to the fridge, looking for something to feed him. It’s not like we have dog food just sitting around. Thankfully, I quickly find some meat—leftover turkey from last night—and I bring it over to feed him little by little.
He scarfs it down like he’s starving, which he probably is. That’s when Julia and Rosa come back from their run and have a full gaga moment over the “cute puppy.”
“What’s his name?” Julia asks, rubbing a spot behind his ears that makes him pant happily.
“Bastard,” I tell her, and she laughs.
“I love it,” she says, standing up. “You can let the Prez know we’re back.”
“Why don’t you let her know yourself?” I ask, knowing exactly why. Julia and Eden had been at odds for weeks now, even after it seemed like things were going to get better after Eden helped rescue her from Torque and his cronies. She even seemed to have let things go when Savage and Eden got married. Julia had acted like she was getting over things, but lately she’d been giving Eden an even harder time than usual, and, very unlike herself, Eden had let her.
She feels like she owes Julia for killing her brother, but I was there when the motherfucker tried to kill her while telling her all the disgusting things he was going to do to her dead body. If she hadn’t killed him, I would have. I’d have pulled my gun and taken him out right then and there, not caring if I got riddled with bullets myself.
Julia stands up, giving me what looks like an almost bored expression. “Later, Eli.”
She and Rosa go up to their rooms, and I’m left alone with Bastard again, so I tear off a few more pieces of turkey to give him.
It’s only a few minutes more before Eden comes in. She kneels by Bastard and starts petting him.
“He looks so much better,” she says. “Thanks for taking care of getting him cleaned up.”
I tell her his name, and she seems torn between exasperation and amusement. She opens her mouth to say something, but she’s cut off by someone coming in the door behind me.
“Why,” I hear Savage say behind me in a dangerous tone, “do I have a message from Zeke saying you went out on a ride by yourself?”
Eden bristles and stands up to face him as if he isn’t twice her size or more. “Because I did,” she tells him without a shred of remorse on her face.
Great. They’re gonna get into it right here.
“What the fuck were you thinking?” he demands, but she’s ready with a reply immediately. She must have known this was coming, so she has her responses prepared.
“I’ve been on plenty of rides by myself. I used to go out every day without an escort.”
“That was before you were public enemy number one in the motorcycle club world,” he says, grabbing her by the wrist.
My first instinct is to jump in. As her brother, I’m fiercely protective of her. But I learned a long time ago not to interfere in Eden’s fights. She’d rather end up six feet under than feel like someone had to save her.
“I don’t need you or anyone else to be my white knight, Savage. I married you because I wanted you badly enough to settle down. But I did not ask for someone who would tell me what to do.”
“That’s exactly what you asked for,” he says in a dark tone.
“That is not what I meant,” she snaps back. “And you know it. I’m the President of this club. The Ruthless Queen, and I’ll be damned if I take orders from anyone.”
“Then you’re going to get yourself or some of your people killed,” he tells her as she turns away from me and Bastard.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” she says to him, seething with rage.
“The hell you don’t.”
Eden walks away, heading up the stairs to her bedroom, Savage following her. They fight the entire way up the stairs, and I couldn’t be happier that her room is the farthest away from the rest of the house. Not only did I not want to hear their fight, I definitely didn’t want to hear whatever came after.
I pet Bastard behind the ears again and give him another piece of turkey. He eats it just as fast as the last one, and I set the whole remainder of the food in front of him. He gobbles down every last bite, then curls up on the floor.