Page 25 of Hex
“Life is full of good and bad things, but every day a new thing can happen that’s the worst or the best.”
She mulls over this for a long while before climbing down the jungle gym. “I’m glad I met you. You make life more interesting.”
I smile at her, as I slide off the structure. I feel the same way about her.
Hex strolls into the house with the biggest shit-eating grin, and I immediately want to punch him in the balls. How can he be so happy with everything that’s happening? He’s usually the most obedient soldier, never stepping a toe out of line, but I don’t recognize him lately. He’s hiding things. I feel the familiar clawing at my chest and try to tamp it down.
“Where the fuck have you been?” I growl, slamming my glass of whiskey on the bar.
It’s late. Nearly two AM, but he looks more rested and refreshed than I’ve been in over a year. A few men are up, drowning their sorrows with concoctions Buffy tirelessly made all night. They look between us with apprehension. I’m sure Snake mentioned the mounting tension from a few days ago.
Hex eyes the glass sitting next to me and draws a deep breath.
“Looks like I was doing the same thing as you, Prez. I was drowning my sorrows at a bar.”
“Does Buffy not provide you adequate choices?” I ask, an edge to my voice. “Do you need to throw your hard-earned money at some schmuck downtown?”
Buffy, for his part, shrinks behind the bar, his hands raised in a defensive position. He doesn’t want to get involved in this fight, and no one blames him. He’s forgiven me from the time I almost beat him dead, but he twitches at the slightest conflict.
“I had to get out of the house.” Hex shrugs nonchalantly. “The drinks here are great, but I needed a new atmosphere.”
His answer rubs me the wrong way. At this point, anything anyone says would. They know how miserable I’ve been since Abigail left. It would do Hex well to remember and not piss me off. Which is all that he’s done lately.
I pick up my drink and take another fortifying sip. “Did you see that woman again?”
I stare straight ahead at the bar, but in my periphery, he shifts his weight. He’s nervous. That’s all the answer I need.
“With everything going on right now, do you really think it’s wise to trust some random woman? How do you know she’s not involved in the recent attacks?”
He sighs heavily, turning to leave the room. He’s extricating himself from an impending argument, but I’ve already chosen violence. He won’t get away that easily. I leave my stool and run after him, cutting him off before he reaches the door.
“I trust her,” he tells me evenly, his tone not rising one decibel. He’s calm against my current of rage.
“You barely know her.” I push him gently. “Can you tell me with certainty that she has nothing to do with the attacks on the other gangs? Or the pol—”
“Don’t start with me,” Hex replies darkly, stepping back so he’s out of reach. “After everything I’ve done for you, you don’t get to question me.”
“The hell I don’t!” I scream into his face. He doesn’t flinch. “You work for me, you live in my house, you—”
“Pocus,” Knix interjects, gently pulling me away from Hex. His voice is gentle and careful. “Hex has been working harder than any of us lately. You’re blowing this out of proportion.”
I turn on him, a murderous look in my eye. He stares at me, not flinching from my gaze. He knows better than to get in the middle of me and a punching bag, but he doesn’t back down. One disadvantage of him dating my sister is that she’s shared tips on how to handle me.
“Why don’t you go sit back down and finish your drink?” he suggests, guiding me back to the stool.
He infantilizes me, but I let him, knowing the other option is beating the shit out of one of my best friends. I can’t say why I’m defensive about this woman, but I don’t trustful anyone right now. Until we’ve solved the mystery of who’s behind all these attacks, and until I can bring my family home, everyone is a suspect.
I sit back down on my stool, my hand shaking. I can’t steady it long enough to take another drink of my whiskey. I need sleep, and I need Abigail, but they will both allude me until this problem is solved.
Hex slips out of the room, leaving a vacant spot by the doorway. I can’t blame him, honestly. In the same position, I’d walk away too. He doesn’t deserve my ire. None of us deserve this shit.
I drain the glass and slump away from the bar, dragging myself up the stairs to my room. When I step inside, Nesce is sitting on my bed, observing me curiously.
“What are you doing here, Coco?” I ask gruffly, wanting to collapse on the bed and let the alcohol wash over me.
She smiles sadly and stands up, walking to me and placing her fingers under my eyes, pressing lightly. I feel a pressure release, one I’ve been carrying so long I’ve grown used to it.