Page 47 of Hex
“He’s here,” the woman whispers excitedly. She drops to her knees and bows to Anderson, though she can’t see him.
He walks over to her and lifts her head up. Though she can’t see his face, she looks toward his direction with such unhinged love it makes me physically ill. She will do anything for him.
“What do you think of my slave?” Anderson asks me with a sick smile. “She’s quite crafty, isn’t she?”
“That’s one word for her,” I mutter, watching the woman in disdain.
“Are you pleased, master?” the woman asks in a reverent voice.
“Tell her I’m very pleased,” he instructs me.
He can rot in hell if he thinks I’ll do anything for him. “He says you’re an ungrateful bitch. He’s going to murder you the second he gets back in my body.”
Anderson glares at me and walks over to Juliana, wrapping his hands around her throat. She gasps for air, and I’m helpless to help her.
“Stop,” I beg. “I’m sorry. He says he’s very pleased.”
Anderson lets go of Juliana and she sputters, coughing and taking labored breaths.
“What the hell was that?” she chokes out.
“Tell her,” Anderson commands me. “Tell her the story of the big, bad wolf. Tell her how I’m going to destroy you and everyone you love, including her.”
“His name is Anderson Grey,” I tell her slowly, keeping an eye on him. He smiles and motions for me to continue. “He was a big business tycoon for years, and he became obsessed with my friends. He wanted to destroy us. But we figured out how evil he was and turned him in to the feds.”
“Oh, don’t leave out the good parts.” Anderson claps gleefully. “Tell her about my women. When I rebuild my army, I think I might start with her. She has fire.”
“Don’t you fucking touch her!” I scream at him. “You’ve done enough to her. Just let her go.”
“But what good would that be?” He laughs. “I won’t waste a pretty body like that. Men will pay thousands for a night with her. I’ll corrupt that pure aura of hers.”
“You won’t have the chance,” I tell him. “The Ruthless Kings won’t let you get away with this. They’ll destroy my body to be rid of you. They’ll burn this city down to rid it of you.”
Juliana lets out a sharp breath. “Hex, what are you talking about?” she asks, only able to hear one side of the conversation. “Hex, you can’t die! Please, I need you.”
Anderson laughs and walks back over to her, kissing her gently on her forehead. She shudders at the contact. Now that she’s back in her body, she can’t see him, but she can feel him.
“Yes, Hex,” he mimics her. “She needs you. And she’ll still have you. Your body at least. Under my spell, she won’t know the difference. I bet she’s as much of a spitfire under the sheets.”
If he weren’t dead, I’d kill him. He can’t get away with speaking about her like that. But there’s nothing I can do at the moment.
“That’s your plan?” I ask, trying to distract him. “You’re going to use me to fuck your way around the city and trap more young girls to do your bidding? Sounds like a pretty low-stakes plan.”
He laughs again and walks back toward me, fixing me with a malicious stare. “Oh, I have much bigger plans. Those are the things I’ll do when I need to blow off steam. The first thing I’m going to do is destroy your friends. Frankly, I’m surprised the police haven’t nailed them yet for the attacks.”
“And let me guess,” I say sardonically. “That was all you.”
He smiles slowly. “It was certainly all part of my plans. I have a handful of faithful followers, Hex. Not just Vanessa, here, but a dozen or so people who are happy to do my bidding. Unfortunately, the NOLA PD have been too busy chasing their asses to make any charges stick to Pocus. I’ve handed them everything they need to haul his ass to prison.”
“You were behind the shooter,” I guess. “You left the calling card for the Cuatro Locos, then blew up their club to make it look like Pocus wanted revenge for putting Seer and me in danger.”
Anderson smirks. “I wasn’t thorough enough. This new department needs more help than they used to.”
“It probably doesn’t help that they aren’t in your pocket anymore,” I spit at him. “There’s a new administration cleaning up the mess you made.”
“And once we’re done tonight, they’ll keep cleaning up my messes,” he whispers gleefully. “Now, if you don’t want me to rip out your dear Juliana’s heart, I need you to tell Vanessa to start the ritual.”
I swallow hard, knowing I’m in an impossible situation. He can kill Juliana, and she’ll literally not see it coming. But if he takes over my body, he’ll do unspeakable things to her and force her to do his bidding against her will. She’ll be one of his slaves, like Abigail was. I’d rather he kill her.