Page 16 of Signed for You
“So you don’t mind what happens either way?” I wonder aloud.
He shifts uncomfortably in his seat before loosening the collar around his neck.
“It’s not that I don’t mind. If I had my way, I’d very happily marry you. This is something both my father and I have wanted for a long time. For him, it’s the merge he wants, for me, it’s you I want.” His brazen nature and words shock me. He doesn’t even know me, how on earth could he know that he wants me?
“I’m not trying to be rude, but why exactly do you want me?”
“You’re a stronger woman than what the men around you seem to realise. I’ve noticed that they don’t allow you to do much or have a huge amount of say. I have watched you for long enough, allowing me to know enough to make the statement clear and true that I want you.” I’m not particularly surprised at his admission of watching me. Given my current situation, one more person that doesn't want me either dead or sold watching me isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
“OK. So, aside from me – what’s in it for you? Or your dad?” I ask.
“That’s simple. We have a lot of power in favourable areas and with particularly favourable people that are able to help us in our line of work and we simply wish to branch out, but we’re not willing to do so without some form of guarantee that we won’t be betrayed. The Cobras and the men within the Dark Cobras will not betray us if you are with us. Family first is all of our motto,” he tells me with a nod of his head towards the door.
“Your family is waiting outside this very door for you as further proof that even if they disagree, they will not stand against us if you are with us.”
I nod my head at him, knowing that he’s right. No matter who agreed or otherwise, no one in the club would go against the Laidens while I was a part of them.
“This wouldn’t be like a conventional marriage though, I want you to know that. I’m eighteen, I have plans for myself and my future, and I can’t promise you that we will ever be as a normal married couple would be.” My words make it sound like I’m accepting of it, of the idea of marrying this man that in all fairness to him has been nothing but honest and open with me since the moment I stepped in the room. If I’m being completely honest with myself, I don’t hate the idea. I don’t particularly like it, but if the safety of those around me is a certainty then I could see myself getting on board.
He has been more forthcoming about the information he has than most of the Cobras ever have been with me.
“I like someone, one of the Cobras. I’m not sure how this would work around that,” I tell him quietly, feeling shy having admitted it but knowing that I couldn’t rightfully go any further with this conversation without saying it.
He watches me intently, his eyes boring into my own as he slowly nods his head at my admission.
“I would like to think that one day, even if that day isn’t for a long time, that we would be a normal married couple, but I understand if that doesn’t happen and as I said before, I will never force it upon you.”
“But how would this work? I mean, I just told you that I have feelings for someone else. I won’t lie to you. I don’t know what I want with them, but I know I can’t be with them if I’m married.” This is a me problem. It isn’t his fault, nor his responsibility, to give me an answer or to find a solution to my question, but I ask anyway.
He looks towards the door thoughtfully, contemplating my words.
“Would you date me? Until a wedding is confirmed, date me and then see how you feel at the end of it? I’m not asking for a commitment to myself alone, I understand you’ll be pursuing this other man as well, but it gives you an opportunity to know me while also being sure you want this.”
“I can do that.”
That’s when another thought hits me.
“What about Gray and the other Clubs that want the Cobras gone? How can you help us there? You want to expand, that’s fine, but what do we get?” This feels strangely like a business transaction as I request something for us in exchange for me.
I am disappointed in how easily I seem to be convinced that this is the right thing to do by his words. I like to think that I’m not usually the type of girl to believe and fall for everything I’m told, and yet the way Victor seems to hypnotise me each time he talks speaks volumes.
He’s a good looking guy. Probably an inch taller than Crow, built a little smaller, but no less muscle seems to be covering his body.
“I’m glad you asked. I’m willing to deal with the Devils Dealers and The Enforcers before a wedding takes place and Gray afterwards. I feel he’ll be the more difficult task but as a sign of goodwill and to show you our willingness to work together, we will solve the problem of the club wars before any further commitments are made.” It is a good offer. A particularly generous one considering they are currently getting nothing in return and may still not if they prove incapable of doing what Victor is insisting that they can.
“OK. Deal with them and when it’s done, I’ll marry you so long as you promise to find Gray next,” I tell him sternly as he nods at me.
“One more thing before we allow the others back in to explain the arrangement. Until either we are married or until the day upon which this agreement is deemed null and void, you are now under my protection. I have heard of your marking and I assure you that no hair on your head will be touched by you unwillingly.” His words both terrify and thrill me. His voice is demanding, his presence overpowering, and as much as I don’t want his protection over that of what I already have, I say nothing as he gets up and opens the door for the others to enter.
My dad and Crow file in first, eyeing up both myself and Victor as if to make sure that I was still in one piece.
“You’re OK?” my dad asks quietly as Victor’s father and VP walk in.
I nod at him and pull Crow towards me to take a seat beside me.
“I’ll explain everything later, I promise,” I whisper to him quickly, wishing that I had the chance to explain now without everyone else around.
“So what’s the consensus then?” Victor’s father, Demetri, asks.