Page 4 of Signed for You
Crow didn’t have a home or a family that loved him when he joined us. He wouldn’t have anywhere to go if he got kicked out.
“Not as though you will be, but you know that even if you were kicked out that I’d come with you, Crow. You can come with me to uni, or we could find somewhere of our own,” I tell him with a smile as I turn around and notice him giving me what is one of his most genuine smiles. It’s warm, honest, and everything that this world isn’t. Crow’s a pure man, no matter what he’s done under orders of the club. Crow’s good.
“I wish it were that simple, Char. There are things at play that no one even knows about.”
“What do you mean? What hands are at play?” Is he talking about The Devil’s Henchmen? Does he know something? Or is it the marriage, or even Gray? With the way things are going lately, it could be just about anything that he’s referring to.
I put the food in the oven and take a seat next to Crow.
“I wish I could tell you, but just know that there’s more happening around us than I think anyone here realises.” He knows something about the Club that he’s not telling me. If he can’t tell me, I need to make sure that Dad does. And if he won’t then I’ll just have to find out for myself.
I hear the door open and close as the scent of diesel comes into the house. My dad. He’s a mechanic by trade and although there are other mechanics within the ranks of the Cobras, my dad likes to work on his bike himself.
“You two alright?” my dad shouts through to us as he takes off his boots in the hall.
“Yeah, just making tea,” I yell back at him.
“Can I have a word with you before tea, Charlie darlin’?” He says it so casually, with no hint of worry or uncertainty.
I know what it is. Thanks to Crow.
Crow and I exchange a look before I nod at my dad, telling Crow to keep an eye on the food as I follow my dad through to his study.
My dad’s study is rather bare, consisting of his desk with a plush chair behind it and one in front of the desk. The only other items in the room are filing cabinets and a few pictures scattered around the place.
I take a seat at the chair on the opposite side of the desk to my dad and wait while he gets a glass and fills it with whiskey. I can’t stand the stuff.
He takes a sip before turning to face me.
“You know we want to join with The Laidens, don’t you?” He hasn’t told me that himself but he knows I’m privy to Cobra gossip and talk when in the Clubhouse. He’s aware that I know a lot through others even if he doesn’t like it.
I nod, not saying a word, knowing exactly where this conversation is heading.
He nods at me and takes another sip before putting his glass down on the desk in front of him and clasping his hands together.
“They’ve offered us a merge.”
“Well, that’s good, isn’t it?” I ask, knowing it’s very well not a good thing considering the stipulation they’ve added to the merge taking place.
“Yeah, yeah it is but they’ll only merge if we do something for them.”
Here it comes.
“They want you to marry the president's son, darlin.” The words are said steadily, with little to no emotion behind them. He’s attempting to gauge my reaction, as I am his.
I make sure to widen my eyes and sit forwards in my seat, at least attempting to feign shock even though I already know what he’s telling me.
“And you told them no, I assume.” It’s not a question, though it should be and it’s one I want answered anyway.
My dad shifts in his seat uncomfortably before facing me again.
“Well, here’s the thing, Charlie darlin’, you’re a grown woman now. You’ll be getting married at some time anyway, I have no doubt, and if it can benefit the family then I, I’d like you to think about it.” He looks sheepish and so he should.
I truly thought he wouldn’t dare ask me. That he wouldn’t even question it and yet he did. He is. He wants me to do it.
“Benefit the family? Dad, you’ve never wanted me involved in Club life and now you want me to marry into it and to a stranger?” I practically yell.
I can feel myself getting worked up, angry, frustrated at the lack of care he’s showing. He doesn’t seem phased at all by any of this, and yet it was only a few weeks ago that he was ranting at me for wanting to be involved.