Page 23 of Signed For Him
"Hallucinogenics can make you see things. He wouldn't have known that you would have seen Crow but that probably just worked to his advantage. He couldn't have guaranteed you'd see anything in particular, he probably just thought it would help. We didn't find out until afterwards but the plan was for them to come and find you when the fighting broke out, it was just bad luck that you found them first. Fuck, that makes so much more sense. When you told me that Crow left you, I didn't understand it, but he didn't leave you. He didn't even manage to get to you," Gray says as he watches the screen with me, terror filling his eyes, mirroring my own.
"How would they have got it in me before then though?" I wonder as I think through the events of the day.
I'd been to the doctors and then been here all day getting ready. The only people that I had been around were Crow and Victor.
And then I see a wincing Victor and I know.
"You did it?" I ask him, horrified. I understood all of it. I understood why he did what he did. I'd do anything I could to protect the people I cared for, but this was just too much.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Crow hisses as he jumps from his chair and rounds to Victor, grabbing the top of his typically immaculate white shirt and holding him mere inches from the floor, the chair he was sat on tipped over beneath him.
"No, wait! I want to hear it!" I yell at him as I get up from my seat and lean across the table towards Crow.
"Oh, you'll fucking hear him scream in a damn minute," Crow says as he unsheathes a gun from the holster beneath his jacket and places the muzzle of the gun at Victor's forehead.
"Crow, no!" I shout as I move towards him, knocking the chair over in the process and moving to grab his arm before he truly lets loose.
"No, Crow. I mean it. Don't you fucking dare," I tell him as he looks at me. He stares back down at Victor for a moment before nodding at me.
"Fine. I won't shoot him," he says with a glint in his eye as his arm rears back before crunching his fist into Victor's face. I watch with my mouth splayed open as Victor's head falls back and hits the hard floor beneath us, his face wincing in pain as he hisses out a string of curses.
"Oh, for fuck’s sake, Crow. I love you but you're like an out of control, testosterone filled teenager," I inform him as I move him out of the way and crouch down to a hunched over Victor.
"I love you too, baby," Crow says sweetly as he kneels beside me and places a soft kiss at my temple.
I roll my eyes at that being the only thing he got out of what I said. Of course, that's all he heard.
"Are you alright?" I ask Victor. I nudge Crow away and put my hand out for Victor to take.
I might not be all that keen on his actions right now, but I'm also not a complete animal. Most of the time at least.
"I don't know why you care. I'm sorry, Char. Honest to God, I'm genuinely sorry," he tells me as the men around me mutter and shake their heads.
"I know. Don't stress, it's done now. Nothing can take it back. You've just got to move on," I tell him with a strained smile as he takes my hand and stands from the ground. I'm trying to be a better person, OK?
If nothing else, this whole situation has taught me that I can do whatever the hell I like and right now, forgiving Victor for doing something he felt he had to is what I want to do.
"Do you still wanna know?" he asks as he stands to his full height while rubbing his hands through his hair and over his rumpled clothes.
"Yeah, I do. How did you do it?"
"Well, I didn't. I knew they were going to but I didn't. It was the doctor. Well, not him but his assistant. I don't know how they got to her or knew you were going to be there - I hadn't told them that part but they knew and when they were taking blood, they injected something too," he tells me solemnly.
"But I felt fine all day, right up until I had that drink,” I say as I turn to the men behind me for guidance.
“I’m not exactly a drugs expert, but I'm guessing the alcohol didn't help and some take hours to kick in I've heard." I nod at Gray’s words. I'm not convinced Victor's right, even if he thinks he is. I surely would have known if I'd been drugged in the morning.
"This better not be you forgiving him and getting back to where we were because I am not doing that," Crow says as he eyes up Victor again, his eyes vicious as he looks him over with a disgusted curl of his lips.
"I forgive him just fine, but I did realise that I don't think I care for him in that way. I would love to have you as a friend though, assuming there's no more lying and setting me up to be kidnapped involved," I tell Victor with a rueful smile.
He winces at my words.
"Too soon?" I ask with a laugh.
"Way too fucking soon, Char," Crow answers behind me.
"Right, is there anything else anyone needs to tell me before we move on?" I ask, my eyes swinging between the men around me. My attempt at being confident seems to be waning when I catch Crow smirking at me.