Page 34 of Signed For Him
Right. OK. It'll be fine.
There's not a single part of me that is worried about my family not liking her or her not liking them, even though I'm sure that's got to have been something that has crossed her mind. Despite the way she often sees herself, she's one of the most self-aware and selfless people I've ever met. I mean, how often do you meet someone that can forgive the guy that set her up? Even thinking about Victor makes me want to fucking pummel him. I shake thoughts of the stupid fucker away and pull myself towards the door.
I knock on the door once, not even getting a second rap on the wood in before it's sprung open, revealing my mum.
"Oh, my baby boy!" She squeals as she pulls me into her embrace and holds my head down to her level while squeezing me with all of her might.
I might be a grown ass man, but I'm not going to lie and say that my mum’s hugs aren't the best. The best familial hugs at least. Char gets top spot for all other types of hugs.
"Let him up, Mary, no one else will get a look in if you don't." My dad huffs from behind her.
"He's my son, and I'll damn well hug him as much as I want, thank you very much!" she sasses back as she squeezes me some more.
My mum's a little shorter than Charlie and small in build, but her sass and attitude definitely make up for it. She lets me go, her eyes finding Charlie, and I watch in awe as her face lights up.
"Oh, look at you! You are just beautiful, sweet pea!" my mum gushes as she rushes over to Charlie and takes her in her arms.
Char looks momentarily panicked before relaxing a little and awkwardly hugging my mum back. Liam seems about as astounded as Char is, and I can't help but laugh at that. Talk about a fish out of water and you've got Liam - a man who looks pretty uncomfortable right now. Can't say I blame him. He's in uncharted territory.
My dad gives me a hug, patting me on the back and ruffling my hair a little before shaking Liam’s hand and introducing himself to Charlie.
"So, I hear you wanted a chat with me, Charlie girl. Shall we get to it?" he asks gruffly.
"Yes, please. I really appreciate you coming all this way," she tells him, her voice taking on that of a professional as she talks to my dad.
She may not have been involved with the Cobras dealings, but she definitely gets the confidence, even if it is a show, from her dad. I've watched him in the most intense and intimidating situations act cool and collected, and that's exactly how Char appears despite the hidden terror and nerves I know she's feeling. I have a feeling I know what's coming and even though a part of me is dreading it, I also can't be more proud of what she's willing and able to overcome to ask for something so outrageously out there.
"Well, I needed to see this lad you've got hooked on you, it's not a completely selfless trip," my dad says with a smile as my mum takes his arm and leads him to the two sofas facing one another. There's a glass coffee table between them that my dad collects his drink from before taking a seat and encouraging Char to take a seat on the sofa opposite him.
I grab a chair from the table and sit next to her, letting Liam take her other side on the sofa.
"I'm not sure I'd say he's hooked." Char laughs while looking at me with a smile that makes her eyes look even brighter. Fuck, her smile kills me every time. I need to take more pictures of her smiling. Not right now, though, shut up, Crow.
"Oh, he definitely is. Did you know that he talks about you every single time we speak?" Zak, my youngest brother, says as he walks in from an adjoining room. He gives a quick fist bump before taking a chair and sits by us.
Zak took after our mum more than Coran, my oldest brother, or I did. Zak is taller than me by maybe an inch or two but more slender too. He has more of a swimmer or a runner’s body, with his light hair matching my mums. Coran and I both look much more like our dad with darker hair, more natural muscle as well as our father’s obsession with tattoos. Zak always says he wants a tattoo or two, but I don't think he'll ever get one. He's smart, like stupidly smart, and says he doesn't understand the enjoyment from causing yourself pain.
"You alright, man? Where's Coran?" I ask, knowing that my parents wouldn't have come for too long without him. He and my dad are the ones in charge of the business side of things and are constantly in meetings together online, over the phone or in person, always consulting one another.
"We've left him at home to take care of things while we're here. He'll be taking over when I retire so it's about time he has the chance to prove himself without my help," my dad says, his hands gripping onto the glass of what I've got to assume is whiskey in his hand.
So, this is a business meeting, I realise. My dad rarely drinks but anytime he's in a business meeting, he has whiskey.
"He'll do just fine, I don't know why you insist on acting like he won't," my mum scolds him with a light whack to his shoulder as she sits next to him.
"I didn't say he wouldn't do just fine," he objects, rolling his eyes in exasperation at her.
My mum glares at him a little more before turning her gaze back on Charlie.
"So, what can we do for you, dear?" she asks as she leans forward in anticipation.
I watch Char for any clues or worry emitting from her, but she's the picture of confidence and grace as she smiles kindly at my mum.
"Well, as it happens, I'm after your official support," she starts, and I’m thinking nothing other than fuck no as she continues, "I'd like to run for President of the Cobras."
There's absolute silence as my father's lip twitches into a smile he tries to hide and my mother’s eyes light up as if it's the best thing she's ever heard. Zak doesn't look surprised in the least and, as I look at Liam, he's doing nothing other than glaring daggers at Charlie's head. OK, great. Going well. No problems here.
Hey, God. If you're up there, I'd appreciate it if you could come down and just re-wire Char’s brain for a super teeny tiny second so that she changes her mind. Cheers, mate.