Page 41 of Signed For Him
He takes a moment, searching off in space as he conducts his words.
“He’s thoughtful, caring beyond measure, and a complete nuisance too, though he'd disagree with me about that.” His soft smile looks so honest that I can’t help but trust the words he’s telling me.
“I take it he didn’t convince you to let him come then?”
David physically cringes at my words, and I watch as he pulls his eyebrows together. What’s that about?
“I didn’t want to tell you in case you felt pressured, but I don’t want to lie to you since you’ve asked. He’s in the car. He said he wanted to come even if he just got to see your face from the door,” he tells me hesitantly.
I find myself laughing again.
“Can I go get him?” I ask, curious to meet the grown man that is sitting in the car alone just to get a five-second sighting of me. I suddenly feel like a statue in a museum. It makes me feel like a celebrity with paparazzi on my tail. I smile at the thought.
“You really don’t have to if you don’t want to. He knew there was a chance he wouldn’t meet you. You don’t have to meet him just because he came here,” he rushes out. I like more than I’ll admit how diligent David is in making me feel comfortable.
“It’s ok, it would be nice to meet him,” I admit.
David looks up at me warily, obviously unsure of my words.
“Plus, he’s probably less likely to annoy you for two hours with questions on the way home if I meet him,” I say with what I hope to be a convincing smile.
“As long as you’re sure,” he tells me with a weak smile.
I nod and enter the hallway towards the door, walking past the mirror and stopping abruptly. Because I’m so used to it now, I forget the scar is there, but I realise that David hasn’t looked at it once, nor asked about it and although I’m surprised by that, it pleases me to no end. I wonder if his son will have the same reaction, or lack of, as his dad or if he'll be curious enough to ask.
I walk out the front door and find the man from the picture leaning against what I assume to be David’s car, looking down at a book in his hands. He’s not noticed me yet.
“Dustin?” I ask.
He looks up instantly and a wary smile fills his face.
“Are you Charlie?” he asks hesitantly. He closes his book and takes a step towards me.
“Shit, you look just like Robin, you must be you.” I laugh at his logic.
“Are you coming inside?”
“Seriously? You don’t mind?” I don’t ask, but by his appearance I’d say he’s probably early twenties, but the way his voice lifts with excitement, he seems like a little kid.
“Yeah, come on.” I usher him inside behind me and lead him into the kitchen. He takes a seat next to David.
“Do either of you want a cuppa? I forgot to ask when you came in, sorry, David,” I say as I begin boiling the kettle.
“Tea would be fantastic, please, Charlie. We both take one sugar,” David tells me.
I make the tea quickly and hand it to them before taking a seat back at the table.
“You’re really pretty.” I blush at Dustin’s abrupt compliment, not used to being told that by anyone other than Liam, Crow, and my dad occasionally.
“Thank you,” I tell him with an awkward laugh.
“It seems weird hearing you call Dad David. I know you’ve got your own dad, but it still seems strange,” he says with a chuckle.
“Yeah, I suppose I’d think it was weird too if I was in your situation,” I say with a smile.
“My sister’s going to hate how pretty you are,” he says with a boisterous laugh.
My eyes go wide as I look at David.