Page 51 of Signed For Him
In every other moment of my time with Crow and Liam, I've cared. Truly cared, but in this moment that I know will never leave my mind, I know that all I care for is getting revenge as I see fit.
This is my time. My decision. My right.
Liam leaves Matt passed out in his chair and follows me to Danny.
I rip the tape from his lips and spend a few seconds taking in his pleads.
"I'll do anything, anything you want. I'll do it myself; I'll chop it off myself. I'll never touch anyone ever again. I fucking swear, I swear." His begs and pleads continue until Crow reaches me with the tape I requested.
"Just cut enough off to cover his mouth again, please, and then wait." My voice sounds hollow and monstrous and yet I don't care.
"Stop talking or I'll make it worse for you," I tell the man in the chair. He immediately stops speaking, his eyes full of hope.
"You were inside of me. And now, he shall be inside of you. Open your mouth." I tell him as I feel an evil smile spread across my lips.
His eyes are as wide as saucers as he does the exact opposite of my order and closes his lips, jamming them shut.
A laugh bursts out of my lips as I watch his eyes soar between the three of us. No one is going to save him.
Crow and Liam may think of my tactics as wrong, sick, extreme, or fucked up and not one bit of me cares. This is my way.
"Hold his nose closed. He has to open his mouth to breathe at some point," I tell Liam, knowing that between him and Crow, he's the most accustomed and able to perform acts of violence.
Liam does as I say. I wait nearby with the bloody and useless muscle of penis in my hand.
It doesn't take long before Danny opens his mouth with a gasp. I don't miss my opportunity and shove the penis in his mouth before holding his jaw shut and telling Crow to tape his lips shut with the tape. He does.
And then I get back to work. I do the same to Danny as I did to Matt. Sever his manhood even though he's long since choked and passed out since then.
I take a step back and admire the work I've completed.
Only one more thing to do and then I can turn on the sane side of my brain and return home.
I look down at myself, seeing that the black leggings, black vest top, and navy zip hoodie are covered in blood.
"Are you done?" Crow asks.
"Nearly," I tell him as I smile, my sweet smile, the sane smile and take a step towards him.
I watch as Crow visibly gulps. He knows me well enough that I have no doubt he knows exactly what my plan entails from here. In order to remove and heal from memories, you have to replace them. And there's no one else I'd rather replace those sordid memories with than Crow and Liam.
"Our baby girl needs us. You can do that, can't you, man?" Liam asks with a sly grin thrown in Crow's direction.
I would never force him to do this if he didn't feel utterly comfortable doing so. So I watch Crow's face, searching for any signs that he's going to say yes and mean no.
He looks from me to Liam and then back to the now quiet men in the chairs beside us.
"Go and sit on his lap. Face me," Crow tells me, his words a command. An order. His face and eyes are filled with hunger and determination as he watches me sit on Matt's lap.
"Uh uh," Liam says with a shake of his head and a mock shake of his finger.
Crow and Liam look at one another before returning their gazes to me.
"Naked," Crow fills in for them both. They seem to have a connection whereby they can communicate without words - and I love it. I love that the men I love and need have as much of a connection with each other as I do with them. Admittedly in a very different way but even so.
I stand and take off my hoodie first, throwing it to the ground beside me, not phased in the slightest if it ends up dirty or covered in more blood. I then remove my vest, my bra, my leggings and underwear so that I'm completely bare before them.
"Now what?" I ask sweetly as I watch them stand beside one another and adoring the carnal attraction I have to them.