Page 1 of Be Mine
For fuck’s sake. I’m godsdamn late! My alarm is blaring loudly, and the sound screeching out has me squeezing my eyes tight until I can’t take it anymore and glare harshly at the stupid thing. The numbers blinking frantically on the screen show that I’m already fifteen minutes late for work, making me curse under my breath.
I throw my covers off and fall flat on my face with my ass in the air as my legs get tangled in the sheets. I quickly push myself up, blowing a pesky piece of hair out of my eyes, and rush to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, since that’s all I have time for now. I groan when I see my tangled ash blonde curls piled on my head as I angrily scrub my teeth. There’s no fucking way I can fix that right now, so fluffy bun it is.
I can’t believe I’m late. I’m never late! In fact, I’m normally painfully early for everything. Maybe it’s the people pleaser in me. Who knows? Regardless, this is completely out of character for me, and to be perfectly honest, I’m slightly pissed off about it.
Jenna is going to give me so much shit over this.
She’s another omega I work with and is practically the manager of the bakery we work in. I’d like to say she’s a friend, but we don’t really hang out. I don’t have any friends, per se.
Not like, you know,best friendsthat I can depend on or turn to when I need someone to lean on.
Rushing back across the hall once my face and teeth are clean, I ignore the pile of dirty laundry lumped together by my bedroom door.
I’ll get to it. Eventually.
I dig through my closet, tossing things out, until I find a decent pair of jeans and a plain black tee. Quickly, I switch my threadbare, oversized, but extremely comfortable tee for the dreaded jeans and shirt that actually fits. I’d much rather work in my pajamas. Then again, I doubt my boss would appreciate me working in just a t-shirt and panties.
Bet I’d get a lot of tips, though.
Once I’m dressed, I grab my keys and my phone, throwing them haphazardly into my crossbody bag and run out my front door, locking it behind me.
At the elevators, I impatiently press the down button a hundred times, like that’ll make the damned thing move faster. I know it won’t, but I do it anyway, because why the fuck not?
A girl can hope that, just this once, it’ll work.
As I’m standing there bouncing on my feet anxiously, I catch a whiff of my perfume and get a little clammy. My panties become damp as slick gathers along my slit and drips out of me.
Kill me.
What is today? Seventh of… February? Ugh. Just in time for V-Day. How fuckingromantic.Cue the eye roll.
I can’t believe I forgot all about my heat being due soon. I’m going to need to spray myself with descenter, so let’s just hope that I have some in my bag leftover from the last heat. I dig around in my bag, silently praying to whatever gods are out there that I have a bottle in here somewhere, nearly crying in relief when I find it.
I spritz myself all over as the elevator doorsdingopen. I walk in, still spraying myself down as the doors close moments later. I do not need to leave anything to chance this close to my heat. It also means that I’ll need to let my boss and Jenna know that I likely won’t be in for the rest of the week. Which sucks because I really need the money.
Being a lone omega isn’t always so bad, but times like these make me wish I had a pack to go home to for things like this. I didn’t really give any packs much of a chance when I was at the Omega Center; stubborn to my core about wanting to live alone and be my own person for a while.
Well, I accomplished that.
I live alone. I work alone. I eat way too much takeout and watch too much tv alone. And that’s about it.
I have no social life, no real friends, no potential mates.
It’s just me. And it’s lonely as hell.
Three years ago, I’d have been thrilled about all of this. Now, after living in these apartments designated for omegas and dealing with heat services for the last few years, I’m over it.
I’d actually like to find my own pack now; settle down, have someone there for me to cuddle after a long day. Someone that cares for me unconditionally.
Maybe I should call the Center and ask them to sign me up for some of their mixers for unmated omegas?
The elevator doors slide open, and I rush out, shoving the bottle of descenter back into my bag. I throw a wave over my shoulder at Henry as I crash through the doors and take off, running down the sidewalk toward work.