Page 20 of Be Mine
So boring.
My eyes are fixated on the curvaceous omega that just built a godsdamn fort nest with my pack’s belongings—including my omega’s—and if I’m being honest, I’m hard as fucking stone. She is stunning, just as Gabriel said she was.
Those eyes of hers are something. Especially when they were looking up at me, all big and wide and practically begging me to take care of her. The sparkling blue of the left one is such a pretty contrast next to the amber of the right that sparkles starbursts of gold within it.
When Gabe got home and told us that Shade had called, I was slightly surprised. Even more surprised when he started ordering us to get everything with our scents gathered we could find. Sasha had to get him to slow his roll once he’d stopped talking so we could have another chat, which is what took us so long to get here.
Our conversation last night has been playing on a loop in my head, and I’ve been trying to figure out how I feel about this.
On the one hand, it’s two omegas.
I admit to being incredibly intrigued when we found out about River and Ripley. We knew Gabriel had a crush on her, but it never went further than friendship. He never showed interest in any other omegas, so we figured it was just a fluke.
Until now.
I saw the way they were curled around each other moments ago when I stopped them from going any further. Saw the way Gabriel looked up at her from between her thighs, and how she looked at him.
It’s exactly how I look at him, how we all look at him, and how he looks at each of us.
It’s a hunger that goes so much deeper than just the sexual. It’s intense, an all-consuming fire that changes your very being. It’s also quiet, leaving you feeling calm and centered. It’s a dichotomy, something akin to standing in the eye of a storm and knowing that at any moment the force of that storm of desire can sweep you away—and you’d go willingly.
It’s so much more than what he felt for Ripley, and I have to wonder…
Shade keeps eyeing me and Gabriel and then looking back at the massive nest she’s built that, frankly, I find impressive. Her pink lips are pursed, and she keeps fidgeting, which sends my alpha instincts roaring with the need to get in there and cuddle her to help keep her calm.
After a couple of years of courting Gabriel and now living with him for nearly a year, I’ve become pretty adept at picking up on the little cues omegas tend to throw out. I don’t even think they notice they do it half the time, but I do now.
I clear my throat.
“May I enter your nest?” I finally ask her, unable to resist.
She swallows, and I watch the way her delicate throat bobs. She looks unsure, glancing back at Gabriel, who watches and waits patiently to see what she’ll do. He tilts his head to the side as he rests on his side, propped up on his forearm. Looking appetizing, as always. Teasing little shit.
Shade eventually looks back at me, her shoulders straightening, and her head held high. Then she says the magic word, the one I really do love so godsdamn much.
I step in and stride over to where she and Gabriel are, not wasting any more time. When I’m standing in front of her, she tips her head back and looks up at me with those pretty mismatched eyes, the tip of her tongue peeking out from between her lips. Her breathing quickens the longer I stare down at her, her pupils dilating and her scent getting sweeter and sweeter, practically making my teeth ache.
I watch Gabriel from the corner of my eye as I kneel and get closer to Shade slowly, waiting to see if he can handle it. His light green eyes gleam with satisfaction the closer to the omega I get, and when I wrap my arms around her back and cradle her legs while pulling her into my lap, he bites his lip and his apple pie scent mingles with Shade’s honeydew and spun sugar.
Shade relaxes in my hold almost instantly, laying her head against my chest and nuzzling her nose into my shirt, taking deep breaths as I get us comfortable. My hand cradles the back of her head, my fingers carding into the curls at the base and sliding up so I can hold her against me. A pleased purr at how easily she submits to me rumbles in my chest, vibrating against her face and coaxing her to relax into me even more until she’s practically putty in my arms.
“Did Micah let you in?” she mumbles sleepily, tension bleeding from her shoulders as I purr for her, making her eyes droop.
“Yeah. Sasha and Rhett are out there talking with him. They’ll be in here soon to speak with you, and then we can get back to what we were doing before Jordan so rudely interrupted,” Gabriel tells her, waggling his brows and making her chuckle.
“All good news, I hope?”
Gabriel grins at her and shrugs his shoulder, which makes her pout and stick her tongue out at him.