Page 3 of Be Mine
Just like me to be attracted to what I’m not supposed to according to the almighty unspoken rules of society. Acting on this fascinating attraction would be like a giantfuck youto my parents, which would make me incredibly gleeful.
I didn’t take to any packs while at the Center, and not because none of them weren’t nice, but because I didn’t want to be held down by society’s standards of an omega. You know, the dutiful omega mate who pops out a bunch of babies and keeps their alphas’ knots squeezed? Or whatever. That’s what it seemed like they were pushing at the Center, but then again, I am a cynical one, so what do I know?
I just wanted to be my own person and make my own decisions and not be controlled by my biology. Much to my mother’s humiliation.
The mortified look I’d been met with when I’d informed her I’d be getting an apartment in the city and a job.
Priceless, honestly.
I think I saw a vein throbbing on her forehead, and one of her eyes even twitched!
I like little curveballs thrown at me every now and again, to really shake things up. Andthisone has me very intrigued. This omega smells like everything my hormones want to slurp down in excess.
His scent has me imagining a cozy cottage in the forest with a wood stove and a made-from-scratch apple pie sitting on a windowsill to cool. That’s like, oddly specific, but no less true.
When he quirks a brow at me the longer I stare at him, I purse my lips to keep from grinning. Then another man steps up to his side, looking between us curiously and hot damn… I couldn’t keep my perfume under control if I really tried because he isdelicious. Tall, tan, and dripping in ink with several visible piercings.
Next to his omega, my heat spiking brain is conjuring up all kinds of naughty images in my head that send me into a perfuming tailspin that has both men’s eyes widening as they quickly work to usher me right back out the door of the bakery for some fresh air. I’m helpless to fight against them; too focused on the way my skin feels electrified when they both touch me.
I was already late, so what’s a few more minutes while I try to get my hormones under control?
I’m sure Jenna will understand.
How does one deal with being in love with someone for years, but the feelings are unreciprocated? Especially when the person you happen to be in love with is one of your best friends? Who just so happens to now have her own pack with another omega in it?
That’s what I’m contemplating when honeydew and spun sugar crashes into me with a pile of ash blond spiral curls and a frown in place. Two different colored eyes clash with mine, one a deep ocean blue and the other a light amber color with starbursts of gold that shoot out from the iris. Against her lightly tanned skin, they’re striking and captivating, nearly impossible to look away from. Freckles dot across an adorable little nose, which sits above pink lips shaped like a cupid’s bow.
She’s curvy and soft, with a cinched waist and noticeable love handles.
I fucking love those things. More to grip on to, if you catch my drift.
The woman in front of me perfumes a cloud of straight desire as Rhett steps closer, and my cock hardens in my jeans uncomfortably. My scent also gets stronger the more of her I breathe in, which has Rhett growling low under his breath.
Rhett leads the omega and me outside for some fresh air before she starts a frenzy in the quaint little bakery I’d found on our walk this morning. There are at least two other alphas within the shop and a handful of betas, and based on the way this doe eyed omega’s scent keeps spiking, I’d say she’s close to her heat.
Once we’re outside, I pull her over to the side against the outer wall and Rhett and I stand in front of her, blocking her from any wandering eyes. Rhett has his back to her, and I catch the way her throat bobs as she swallows while staring a hole into his back. I can’t help the smirk that spreads across my lips.
You’d think it’d piss me off, but surprisingly, it just makes me want to take her home with me. What an interesting turn of events.
“What’s your name, Doe?” I ask softly, trying to ignore the way her perfume has me ready to throw her over my shoulder and take her back to my nest.
Her teeth bite into those pink lips and I nearly groan. Tempting little she-devil.
“Shade,” she breathes out, stars in her eyes as she looks up into mine.
What a curious name. It doesn’t fit her per se, because, unlike her name implies, she seems very light and airy—glowing. She’s entrancing, and I don’t think there’s been another omega I’ve felt a pull to quite this strong other than Ripley. Actually, this feels like more than the little reactions I’ve had to Ripley. More intense. More appealing.
Just… more.
My gut clenches as I stare into her mismatched eyes, her scent clouding my brain and making it foggy. I crowd her against the wall involuntarily, my front pressing against hers as her back rests against the brick behind her. Her breathing picks up and she trembles, but not in fear.