Page 4 of To Hunt a Demon King
“Because she chooses not to see your grandmother,” Vera pointed out.
“You would too, if you knew my grandmother,” I said darkly, giving her a grim smile.
“Or live near other witches,” Vera added.
“The only other witch I care about is you,” I said, smiling sadly at my friend. Sure, we were friends of convenience, growing up as the only two witchlings near each other. But I still loved her, and she was the only other person I had besides Mama. “You’ll visit?”
“Of course,” Vera said, a true smile lighting her face now, “and you can come visit me! Think of the shops and the taverns and the concert halls we will be able to go to!” I nodded with a smile as Vera rambled about her plans to work for her aunt’s summoning business in Ostara until she figured out her ‘true calling.’ I enthusiastically agreed to visit after Beltane, which was only a week away, and usually a source of excitement so close to my birthday, but a dark pit opened in my stomach at the thought of losing my only friend.
“Don’t look so sad, Elara,” Vera said, clearly seeing through my false smile and taking my hands. She gave them a comforting squeeze. “I’ll only be a mirror away. We can see each other every day if we really want.” I nodded, squeezing her hands back as we rose and gathered the spellcasting elements back into Vera’s basket.
“The spell is cast,” I murmured, releasing the Goddess's magic back to her. A little popping noise and a puff of chalk told me I had successfully ended the spell. “Don’t forget to end the spell properly tomorrow night, Vera.”
“Oh, right,” she said, a little chagrined. “I always forget that part.”
I tried to plaster a smile to my face as we walked back toward the path that connected our homes. Despite Vera’s assurances, I knew we wouldn’t see each other every day. Not anymore. But I didn’t want to tarnish Vera’s excitement with my melancholy, not when I knew how badly she wanted to do this.
“We meet again,” Sebastian said, waving as we headed back up the lane. He had clearly been waiting for some time, and he hopped down from the fence where he had been loitering. He fell into step beside Vera and gave her what he must believe to be his most dazzling smile. “Can I walk you home?”
Vera grinned and looked at me, her eyebrow raised in a question. I rolled my eyes.
“Go on,” I said, waving her off. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Love you,” she said, waving goodbye. She accepted Sebastian’s arm and skipped off with him. I had a feeling they would not be heading straight home.
Chapter 2
My forced smile fell away as soon as she was gone from my sight, and I frowned all the way home. Mama was waiting, stirring a large, steaming pot over the hearth. The tiny kitchen smelled like lamb and carrots, but I had no appetite, even for Mama’s famous stew. She raised her brows in question when she saw me.
“Vera is staying in Ostara,” I said, by way of explanation, “after the meeting tomorrow.”
“Oh, my heart,” she said, wrapping her arms around me and squeezing. “I’m sorry.”
“I knew it was coming,” I said, hugging her back. “But I hate it anyway.”
“I know,” Mama said, stepping back from me and holding me at arms length. “She can visit though?”
I nodded, forcing a smile, which made Mama’s frown deepen. She always knew when I was lying.
“You know,” she said, studying me carefully. “If all goes well, you could join her next month.”
I smiled sadly at her.
“I couldn’t leave you here,” I said, taking her hand and squeezing.
“I have my reasons for keeping you here until you reach maturity, Elara,” Mama said, cupping my face in her hands. “But I know sooner or later you will have to make your own way in the world,” she added, giving me a sad smile. “You don’t have to stay with me forever.”
I furrowed my brows in thought. The problem was, I didn’t really know what I wanted. All I had ever known was a life with Mama, and the idea of leaving that scared me. Despite her assurances of future freedom, she seemed intent on keeping me with her forever.
“If that’s true, then why can’t I go tomorrow night?” I asked, determined to get a straight answer from Mama.
“Elara…” she sighed.
“I know you want me to wait, and I know you and Grandmother don’t get along,” I said.
“To put it mildly,” she cut in with a scowl.
“But I’ll keep my distance, I swear,” I added. “Please, let me do the initiation with Vera.”