Page 13 of Take Me, Break Me
I crooked a finger at Jodie. “Still hurt?”
She tried to swallow, nodded, then came forward until barely within reaching distance.
Autumn meant the weather cooled some days. But after our struggle, I was sweating, and I could see the sheen of moisture on her neck and bare legs too. Some of that was dribble.
“Your hand.” Again I beckoned. With the utmost reluctance, she raised her hand and placed it in mine.
I ripped a paper towel from the roll on the counter then dabbed at her mouth and neck. Without breaking eye contact, I went farther and wiped down where her cleavage was, but over the stretchy cloth, then I wiped under each breast, pressing up a little so I moved them. She tugged at my grip on her hand but I tightened my hold and she made a little grunting noise, and gave in.
My mouth dried.
“Good girl.” Oh, the eyes. I could see a world in there. Jodie had pale blue eyes and no matter what people tell you, the eyes say things words could not. Though only a glimpse, I was certain I’d caught sight of surrender in there. When she blinked and turned her head, I dropped the paper and grasped her mouth with my thumb inside and finger outside.
“Look at me.” Yes, the blue in there was fascinating. “You have beautiful eyes, Jodie. I thought I knew you, but I didn’t, did I? I’m going to study your eyes, and you. I want to know what’s inside your head.” I pulled her close and kissed her lips on one side over the gag while I murmured, “I’m going to learn about the rest of you, because we have all the time in the world.”
Her gasp told me that had hit home. I’d planted the idea that this could go on longer than the month she’d stipulated. What better mind fuck could there be?
But I had other ideas too.
Then I led her downstairs and locked her in after taking out the gag and telling her to drink. With the gag and the drooling, dehydration was a possibility.
Though I wasn’t certain where to go I drove into the main shopping area and did a whirlwind shop through several cheaper stores and a second hand one, and found things that might suit my purpose. I knew her size and I wanted her dressed in something not hers. A white lycra catsuit from the second-hand store was perfect. Slutty. My clothes, my body, said that other Him inside me. Not caveman, I decided. I was so rational about wanting to…I swallowed…hurt her, control her, it made the rest of the world go out of focus.
I got milk, bread, veggies and meat while I was at it. It was a fast shop because I couldn’t help worrying over what would happen to her if the house caught fire. Ironic, really. She was the captive but I was equally caught. I couldn’t go far with her back there.
On the way back to the car, I jerked and stopped when I went past the little café on the beach. Its main allure was having the beach almost under your toes as you sipped your coffee or frappes.
Valentine’s Day, all those years ago… She’d stayed overnight at my apartment and we’d made love that morning then had a swim in the slow-surging waves just below here. With the water still drying on our bodies, we’d sat here with ice tea and gourmet chocolates and told stupid stories. The salt water drying on her body, laughter, all those big smiles. A beautiful woman, and somehow we had connected back then.
Until I found out that behind the facade was a woman who didn’t know how to give.
The memories of our love bleached away in the hot sun as I walked along the sandy pavement. That was then; this was now.
After parking my jeep in the garage, I detoured to the back yard, found a tree saw, and ventured down the steep slope to the left. The closest neighbor was here, hidden farther below, past a huge grove of wild bamboo. Someone must be cutting it back regularly from the short regrowth.
I’d read all about bamboo, about caning. The page with a naked woman bending over with a cane laid across her ass had seared into my memory. Rattan was better. Old bamboo tended to break and split dangerously but green was flexible. I’d just have to be careful. I selected a few good-looking canes and took them with me, swishing at the air as I went. How would she like this applied to her ass? I’d like it applied to her, but with her naked. Those shorts had to go. There was no point in all this unless she got naked at some stage. My dick throbbed. It agreed with that part of my plan.
Legal. Stay legal I reminded myself. Sort of. Yeah. Like hitting someone with bamboo was so legal.
Actually, it was legal, wasn’t it? So long as the other party in some way said yes? Whatever. It was tacitly agreed to as okay between us. And now that I understood my own fantasies a bit better, I could explore them, but within reason.
I swallowed and half-shut my eyes at the electric desire throbbing through me. The anticipation was killing me.