Page 96 of Player Next Door
His face softened a little. “I can tell you what it is now because the announcement is coming out Monday, but I expect you to keep it to yourself. And the only reason I couldn’t tell you sooner is because I hadn’t signed off on the deal yet. Even John said I couldn’t breathe a word.”
“You have my word. My lips are sealed.”
“I got a book deal. My memoir.”
“Cam, that’s great!” she said, leaping out of her seat and giving him a hug. When he returned it, she knew they were on their way to fixing the mess she’d created.
“It’s not a huge advance, but it’s big enough for Dad to pay his most pressing bills. And the added business from that blog post should keep Dad going at least another six months. I suppose I can thank Daria for that, ironically. We hope in that time to get Dad’s finances in order.”
“This is amazing news,” she said, wiping a tear from her eye.
“I’ve also lined up a coaching gig at the skating academy in town. Part-time, which will help especially since I’m not taking a salary from Dad. John also mentioned that a network is interested in having me do some color commentary for the nationals and worlds this season. It all adds up.”
“I’m so happy for you. And anything I can do, never hesitate to ask.”
“Reese, let’s never do this again. I don’t want you to ever distrust me, and vice versa.”
“I do have a question, though,” he said, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Are you pregnant?”
She gasped and shook her head. “No. It’s the lie I gave Daria to see what she’d do with it. Not the best lie I could have come up with. I’ve probably added more unnecessary drama to my life. It’s not like I’ve already done enough damage these past few weeks.”
“I’m sensing more than just me, then?”
She told him what had happened with Grady. As she spoke, he made coffee in the attached kitchen and put a cup in front of her, just the way she liked it. When she was finished telling him everything, Cam frowned.
“Why are you wasting this opportunity?” he asked.
“I’m not! I want to keep him around as a friend. If I get into a relationship with him and it tanks, he’s gone.”
“But you’ve lost him now. And can I ask you a really pointed question. Why are you assuming it will fail?”
“Every relationship I’ve been in has failed. And look at my parents. Failure. So I don’t have a lot to aspire to.”
“The one good guy who comes along, that respects you, that you’ve bonded with, you turn your back on. But guys like Jordy, you eat them up and keep them around for three years. Are you seeing a pattern?”
Oh God!
“Give this guy a real chance before he cuts and runs for good. I want you to be happy with a guy who deserves you. Grady is the guy.”
“But what do I say? What do I do?”
“Use your instincts and let your heart do the talking. Make things right with him.”
“But before I do that, there is something else I have to do, and it’s just as important.”
Reese sat in her car for several long minutes. She checked her watch. She wasn’t late yet, but she couldn’t sit out here forever. Tapping the steering wheel a few times, she tried hard to summon up her courage, and finally she told herself she had to do it. With a few deep breaths, she climbed out of the car and up the walkway to the small, redbrick two story. She stared at the oak door for a moment before she knocked.
She heard some footsteps and then the latch of the lock. The door swung open, and she was staring into light brown eyes just like her own. Gordon Beresford had aged, his hair more salt and pepper now, and extra lines had formed around his eyes. He didn’t wait for Reese to say anything. Instead, he scooped her up into his arms and squeezed her tight.
“I’m so happy you’re here, sweetie. And I’m sorry. Please come in. We have so much to talk about.”
He still smelled like Old Spice, and the scent comforted her. She stepped inside and took off her boots. He held her hand and led her through the hallway into his kitchen and then to his sunken living room. He’d put a tray of cookies—shortbread, her favorite—and mugs for coffee on the table. As she looked around the room, she saw various pictures of herself, with her gold medal, in school, at competitions. There was also a picture of him with another woman.
She sat down, still a little overwhelmed and uncomfortable as her father fussed around.