Page 20 of The Chase
“If Devin knew I was doing this ...” Had I said that out loud?
“Who is going to tell him?”
What on earth was I doing? I didn’t know and I didn’t care. Despite our sometimes-tense conversation, I was enjoying my evening with Blake. I couldn’t put my finger on what I liked about him. The danger? Being spontaneous for once in my life? Whatever it was, I wanted to spend time with him, and that thought scared me so much that I buried it.
The café was within walking distance of the hotel. It was a beautiful evening as we walked down to the waterfront, where we went seemingly unnoticed. I was well aware that even one picture on a gossip site would be devastating to Devin, and yet I took the risk. A part of my brain that was less fuzzy with wine whispered to me that maybe I was still angrier with Devin than I’d been admitting to myself.
Several people milled around, waiting to get a table, but the moment the tall hostess in unbelievably high heels saw Blake Carlton, we were whisked to a table with a spectacular view of the ocean and away from all other patrons.
Blake ordered a seafood platter that we shared and I couldn’t get enough of. While we ate, he told tales of his youth in Texas. His grandfather had been an oil man, and so had his father, making the Carlton family extremely wealthy. His father had hoped Blake would take over the business, but he’d never been interested. He wanted to drive cars as fast as he could make them go.
“Every Sunday I was glued to the television to watch your dad race. I was never into American racing because it didn’t hold the same prestige. And your dad was the best,” Blake said, his face lighting up. “He was so cool under pressure, and no matter how hard people tried to rattle him, your dad always walked away the hero. I remember being maybe seventeen and begging my dad to let me go to Mexico to see the Grand Prix there. It was the closest one at the time. I’d been racing the American circuits by then and making a name for myself, and I just had to meet your dad. He reluctantly let me go, and with my father’s connections, I got to meet your dad. He was even more amazing in person.”
“Everyone has something good to say about my dad.”
“It must be difficult for you to have gone through childhood knowing how famous he was and not really knowing him. It must bother you.”
That insight surprised me. “It bothers me every day. I don’t have as many memories of him, and it’s like everyone around me knows him so well. I feel so isolated from that.”
“Have you ever researched your dad? It may bring him closer to you.”
“Like, on the internet?”
“Yes, find out what people had to say about him. You’d be surprised what you’d find.”
“Like his love affair with my mother? Or how he broke up her engagement? That may be interesting. Especially since she doesn’t talk about him much.”
“There’s a wealth of information. Honestly, it’s why I haven’t settled down. I figured I would wait until after I retired to get married and have children, to keep us all out of the public eye. And I’ll let you in on a little secret,” he said with a devious smile. “Next year will be my last year. That’s why I was ready to settle down with Kaitlyn, my fiancée, but like I said, we had very different priorities in life.”
“I always figured you didn’t want to be tied down, but what you’re saying makes sense. As for your admission … you’ll be missed.”
“That’s why I have a plan. I’m going to come over to Perez and try to make your brother a world champion. Then maybe transition into another non-racing role with the team.”
“Is that a promise?” I asked, sipping my wine. He was so sure he’d be welcomed on to the team by Rafe. He was probably right.
“Definitely a promise.”
“Kaitlyn will be sorry she let you get away. You’ll be a great dad, I’m sure.”
“How about you as a mom? Do you want children?”
I hid my obvious surprise. I hadn’t really thought about it, and it wasn’t something Devin and I had discussed, at least having kids together. “Is that a marriage proposal?”
Blake laughed. “Get rid of that dead weight you call your boyfriend, then we can talk.”
“What makes you think I’d leave him?” I asked coyly.
“One day you’re going to figure out what he’s all about, and I’ll be waiting there, Luna, with open arms.”
I felt a pull at my heart because I believed he meant it, but I had to deflect, and fast. “My grandmother always warned me to watch out for Americans with accents.”
“She should have told you to watch out for Englishmen with dollar signs in their eyes.”
We left the restaurant and walked to the city square. There were people gathered around a fountain, others listening to a quartet who were playing nearby. Blake approached them and asked them to play a song. They consulted each other, and suddenly they began to play a Latin waltz. Blake walked toward me and swept me up into his arms.