Page 5 of The Chase
“Do you know her?” he asked, his tone too casual.
If whatever sinister things Blake had hinted at were true, I would expect him to be nervous, but he was as cool as could be.
“Then why would you bring her up?”
“People were talking about her. In fact, her name has come up a few times. Something about her thinking you’d marry her? I’m sure it’s all gossip.”
He sighed and shook his head. “Is that why you’re acting so strangely tonight? It’s nothing to worry about; she was delusional.”
That bugged me. “A lot of men say that when they want to get out of a sticky situation. She was crazy, hysterical,delusional. So let’s skip past that shit and get straight to the truth. Why did she think you would marry her?”
He gave me a hard look. I could see the wheels turning as he thought of something to say. Some lie. “Look, she found herself in a certain situation. And I didn’t want to be in that situation. She figured I’d cave, and I made it clear I wouldn’t.”
That punched me in the gut. “Did you get her pregnant?”
“Who told you that?” Now his tone hardened. I’d hit a nerve.
“No one. You basically just said it, and rather casually, if I may add.” I could see that he was growing angrier by the second. I took a deep breath, knowing I would be setting myself up for confrontation. “Why won’t you answer the question?”
He got out of bed and began to pace the room. “Why does something between me and someone else have to be your business?” he snapped.
“Oh God, it’s true,” I said. “You have a kid somewhere.”
He blinked at me a few times. “And what if I did?”
“I’d wonder where you were hiding it, and why you were hiding it.”
His jaw tensed. “Listen, we saw each other for maybe three months, and all of a sudden she’s pregnant. She was seeing other blokes too. We were never exclusive. She told me she was on the pill. The last thing I needed was some dumb blonde tying me down.”
It was getting worse. “So you demanded that she get rid of it.”
“I told her that if she was going to have it, I wanted nothing more to do with her. She wanted money from me, that’s all. She thought if she got herself pregnant, she would have me right where she wanted me. Well, I make my own bloody decisions, and she wasn’t going to do it for me!”
His face was crimson. I had never seen him so angry. He wasn’t the only one. I was shaking with anger. “But it was a baby. Your potential child!”
“It was nothing,” he shouted. “There was no baby!”
“How could you be so cruel? Do you even know if she wanted it?”
“Let me tell you something, Luna. You have lived a very sheltered existence, and it’s bloody frustrating for someone like me to deal with this fairy-tale life you think everyone lives. Before you came along, I fucked a lot of women, all right? I could walk into any club, pick out a woman, and fuck her all night if I wanted to. Charlotte Simpson happened to be one of those women! Nothing more, for Christ’s sake.”
“You’re wrong! You are the one who lives in the fairy-tale world, where life gives you everything you want without consequences. While people like me have been living in the real world.”
“And in this real world you think you live in, people jet around in their own private planes, go to school in foreign countries, and have millions of dollars to play around with? Are you serious right now?”
“You’re a real son of a bitch, you know that?”
His gaze was slicing me into tiny pieces. “And you are so incredibly naïve. Do you think life is just that simple? Some two-bit model gets pregnant, and I’m supposed to act like some proud father-to-be? Why can’t you just see it for what it was? She was a good fuck, nothing more. I didn’t force her to get rid of it.”
“But you did. You didn’t give her a choice.”
“Oh, please,” he said, shaking his head. “Don’t pour guilt on me.”
“I bet you didn’t even flinch when you told her to do it,” I said, my body shaking with fury. “It likely barely registered for you. You probably had to put the fun times on hold, just until you were sure she did the deed. What if it had been me? Would you tell me to do the same thing? Am I just a good fuck? Do you think you can control me like that?”
“I don’t want children with you, Charlotte, or anyone else,” he said, pointing his finger at me.