Page 68 of The Chase
“Anything interesting?” he asked, eating some figs. I had bought them at a market the day before. “You going to leave any of those for me?”
He reluctantly handed me one, and I rolled my eyes theatrically. “Bradley Harrow wrote an article about us.”
“Read it,” Devin said, sitting down across from me, his eyes fixed on my face.
“Before I do, it seems as though people are talking.”
“People are always talking,” Devin said with a sigh.
“I’ll just read the good stuff,” I said and cleared my throat. “‘It’s been seven months, and to the chagrin of many, Luna Perez, the daughter of one of racing’s most beloved drivers, and Devin Flynn, racing’s current undisputed heavyweight playboy, have managed to stay together. Flynn, more known for capturing women than capturing racing trophies, has appeared to have settled down. The usual Flynn stories of wild parties and drunken stupors have been replaced with tales of Perez family gatherings and letting children play in his beloved red Ferrari. How has one woman been able to convert a fanatical womanizer into a responsible, thoughtful partner? Although Flynn is still quick to criticize and insult with his venomous tongue, he’s been quieter of late. He no longer complains that he doesn’t get the attention or praise he deserves—even though he’s only an average driver on a very good team. He no longer suffers from tantrums, none to date this season, with the exception of running Blake Carlton off the track, but we will get to that incident later.
“‘There have been no stories of Russo personnel having to fetch him after partying that got out of hand. One would shudder to think, but Devin Flynn has evolved into a man, and it took him almost twenty-nine years and one determined woman to do so.
“‘Luna Perez is a pretty girl, but not the usual fare of a certified playboy. From people who know her, she is kindhearted, loving, and loyal to a fault. She is quiet and unassuming and takes a keen interest in keeping in shape. She almost made the Italian national women’s soccer team, but was a late scratch. Some people believe this rejection led her to move to Montreal and pursue schooling instead of sport. Two years ago, she ran the Montreal marathon and finished with a respectable time.
“‘She holds one-third interest in the Perez team, along with her brother, Rafe, and their uncle, Roberto Perez. She joined the team last year in a minor role, however, one she takes seriously. She has had few boyfriends—or none that are known—and Devin Flynn seems to be her first real romance. Again, one would shudder to think what she would do if she knew Devin Flynn’s sordid history with women and his vast closet of skeletons.
“‘They do seem to care for one another, but how do they manage to stay together? They have kept quiet about their relationship, which is a miracle for Devin Flynn. He has commented on her in the past, but only briefly, and the comments have never revealed much about the way he feels. Body language has, however, been very telling. An example would be Montreal in July. He was photographed carrying her off and away from photographers. In Dallas, a photo was taken outside the Russo pits, the two lip-locked before qualifying. He’s even met her family and spent a weekend at her mother’s home in Italy. They reportedly both had tattoos done symbolizing their love for one another.
“‘For Luna Perez and Devin Flynn, there have been good times, but there have also been bad times. Take the mystery surrounding the Carlton incident. There were rumors that Blake Carlton had shown a romantic interest in Perez, and Flynn took exception and in pre-Perez style, took out Carlton. No one knows for certain that this is true, but the pre-race press conference in Spain supports the claim. When asked about Perez, Flynn’s body stiffened, and he not-so-politely informed reporters he wouldn’t talk about the subject. To make matters even more interesting, the announcement of Blake Carlton as Rafe’s teammate for next year is expected in the days before the race at Manta. Will this fairy-tale romance of a streetwise bad boy and an innocent heir to a racing fortune survive the likes of Blake Carlton? How long before Flynn’s eyes wander yet again, and he breaks another heart? Marco Perez must be spinning in his grave.”
“Fucking charming,” Devin spat. “They just can’t leave us alone.”
“I guess we’ve piqued their curiosity. But who cares.” And I didn’t care. I’d stopped caring so much what the naysayers spouted off. And maybe that’s where I was finding new confidence.
“I care. I’d like to know who the fuck shot off his mouth.”
I had my ideas.
I was growing suspicious of everything that went on around me, and I was beginning to wonder if Blake Carlton was behind it all. I hadn’t thought he was conniving, but he always seemed to have information that no one else did. About Blake, about Perez … about me.
I left Vienna earlier than Devin so that Team Perez could meet and strategize. Tuesday afternoon found me in Germany, in Rafe’s hotel room for a meeting. The usual suspects were there. Carlos had fully recovered from his illness and was discussing the German track with Blake Carlton. The only notable absence was Pedro. I’d meant to discuss his termination with him, but had not been able to muster up the courage. I also figured Rafe would kill me if I showed any sign of weakness.
“Hello, gentlemen,” I said.
“I’m glad you could make it. We have business to discuss,” Rafe said, showing me to a makeshift office he’d created.
“Once again, you’ve torn me away from my love,” I said, unimpressed. Rafe had demanded I show up a day earlier than I’d planned, for this. And maybe, just maybe, I was aiming the dig not just at Rafe but at Blake too. Blake looked up and shot me a crooked grin, and my heart blipped for just a split second, and I hated that. I hated that he could do that.
“Sorry to have put you out,” Blake drawled. “I’m sure he will find a way to amuse himself.”
“What’s this all about?” I asked, ignoring him.
Rafe handed me several sheets of paper. I was beginning to think he loved reports, memos, and notes. He also loved killing trees. I scanned the papers and set them down on the table.
“We are planning a huge party the Monday before the race in Manta,” Rafe said to me since everyone else in the room already knew. “We’re going to invite everyone, and we want it to be the biggest party Milan has ever seen. At this party we want to announce Blake’s addition to the team.”
“Sounds expensive.”
“Is that all you can say?” Rafe said, annoyed.
“What should I say? Congratulations for spending money on a secret that everyone already knows about? Is that better?”
He huffed. “Don’t say anything. Just show up. I’ve already talked to Zio, and he’s working on an outfit for you. I want you to look like a princess that evening. It’s going to be a glitzy affair, so amazing, the people in Monaco will be jealous.”
I couldn’t hate this any more than I already did. “And what is the point exactly?”
“We are going to show every team that we truly belong. I want them to take notice.”