Page 74 of The Chase
My heart was thundering in my chest now. “I have no idea, but it didn’t come from me.”
“And the wing adjustments we made? Perez made the exact same ones.”
Holy shit. “I swear on my grandmother’s life that it wasn’t me.”
“And how is it possible that they made the same tire choices at the last three races?”
I swallowed hard. “You have someone on the team giving Perez that information. Maybe they are giving that info to other teams too. But it’s not me. I would never do that. I am loyal to this team and would never betray you. I’m not fucking stupid, Leo. Do you really think I’d share that kind of information? It’d hurt us, and it’d also be easy as hell to trace back to me.”
Leo was stone-faced now. Colder than the fucking Arctic.
“I don’t know what to say to convince you. She is very careful around me, and I never say anything to her about the team. Leo, I’m confused here. You made me swear to keep everything confidential.”
“Yes, so that should stop you from givingherinformation, not the other way around.”
“So you want information from me?”
He shook his head in an obvious admonishment. “What I would like is for your loyalty to be as authentic as you claim. Do you understand?”
This was getting stupid now. “I understand. But I also don’t have any info for you.” I leaned in closer to him now. “But I will make you a promise. If she tells me anything that I think you’d want to know, I’ll tell you immediately. Would that work for you?”
That didn’t seem to mollify him, even though I had no intention of ever giving him any information.
“I can’t prove you’re behind what Perez knows, but going forward, you will no longer be testing the cars. And this upcoming year will be your last with Russo. And if I have my way, you’ll never race again. I’ll be watching you, Mr. Flynn. One wrong move, and you’ll be off the team. I don’t take kindly to betrayal.”
With that, he got up and left the room. I thought I was going to be sick.
I suppose it could have been worse. I could have been fired now instead of a year from now. I left the meeting with Leo in a haze. I had to get Enzo on this.
Call me right away. Emergency.
I went back to my room, and Luna was gone, which was for the best. When Enzo called minutes later, I was in a full-on panic. I tried not to let it show to him.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
“I had a meeting with Leo. He told me I was out next year. He implied that he was going to make it difficult to find a ride after that. And the kicker? He thinks I’m passing on info to Perez.”
“Are you?”
My jaw dropped. “No, I’m fucking not!”
“I had to ask, didn’t I? Let me make some calls. It’s never too early to put out some feelers. They’ve been stringing you along year by year anyway, so maybe this is for the best. I’m sure we can find you a ride somewhere.”
“Thank you, Enzo.”
“But you better be on your best behavior with Leo. I’m sure he is serious about ruining you if he thinks you’ve crossed him.”
I was pacing the room now. “How could this have happened? I haven’t said a word to Luna about anything.”
Enzo sighed dramatically. “I warned you about hooking up with her. It was risky.”
The bloody I-told-you-so was not helpful. “See what you can do because all I know now is that someone is trying to screw me over.”
“I’ll get on it. I’ll keep you updated.”
Would Carlton know this information, or was someone else behind it? The scary part was that I had no idea who.