Page 9 of The Chase
Unruffled, Carlton shrugged. “I was chatting with her, and your name came up.”
“Right. And tell me how Charlotte Simpson’s name came up.”
“You know, I don’t remember,” Carlton said smugly.
“How do you even know her?”
“She’s a friend of a friend. The world of English models isn’t that large.”
Now was still not a good time to punch him in the face. “I don’t want to waste my time with you, Carlton, so let’s cut to the chase. What do you want with Luna?”
“I think she’s a lovely woman.”
“You’re not answering my question.”
Carlton uncrossed his legs and leaned forward. “I think the real question is whatyouwant with Luna.”
“I have no evil agenda. I care for her, unlike you.”
Carlton nodded. “I think I know what you want. You see your career heading nowhere. You’re at the pinnacle, driving with a good team. There’s no going up from here because you’re not talented enough. So you hook up with her to ensure you always have a ride. Not to mention that she’s probably ten times more wealthy than you’ll ever be. Am I close?”
Still not the right time to punch him. “Nope.”
“You want everyone to believe you’ve given up the women and the parties. Really?”
Carlton sighed. “You’re good at bullshitting, I’ll give you that. But tell me, since she didn’t know about Charlotte, can I assume she doesn’t know about Paige either?”
I had to force myself not to react. How the hell did he know about Paige? No one knew about her, or so I’d thought until a minute ago. If Luna found out about her, she’d likely kick me to the curb before I had a chance to explain.
“I see I’ve hit a nerve, Flynn. You don’t have to say it. I can tell that Luna doesn’t know. It would be a shame if she found out. Wouldn’t it?”
I wanted to poke the asshole’s eyes out. “You really shouldn’t gossip, Carlton. Especially when you don’t know all the facts.”
“I’m fairly certain I have it figured out. Look, take as much time as you need to decide what you want to do. In the meantime, I’m sure you won’t mind me getting to know Luna a little better, right? If you’re so sure she loves you and all your secrets, then you have nothing to be worried about.”
I swallowed hard. Now that he had this hanging over my head … “Who else knows about Paige?”
“I have no idea,” he said with his faux angelic face. The piece of shit.
“You haven’t spread this rumor around to Riedl and Rafe?”
“I haven’t said a thing, but things like this have a way of getting out.”
I turned and walked out without another word. I couldn’t stand to look at his smug face any longer. Worse still, I knew what this meant. He’d go after Luna, and there was nothing I could do unless I told her about Paige. And if I told her about Paige, there was a chance I’d lose her anyway. Carlton had me right where he wanted me, and I was powerless.
Iaccompanied Rafe to the Perez garage, my heart heavy. I knew there would be no visit from Devin today. Until now, he’d visited me every race day, if only briefly to get away from the chaos of the Russo pits. But the way we’d left it …
I walked into the Perez team kitchen where George Anderson was preparing meals for the pit crew. I knew the Englishman well. He would watch me prepare Rafe’s hydration drinks, baffled at how Rafe could stomach the concoction. He was a colorful man who had been with the team since its creation three years ago. I barely said hello to him as I pulled out the ingredients for Rafe’s usual race-day cocktail. I was trying to remain upbeat but failing miserably. The thought occurred to me that my relationship with Devin could be over. I would be just another of his many women.
Had I pushed him too far? And could I even excuse his terrible attitude about abandoning the mother of his child? What frightened me more was the realization that I really didn’t know Devin that well. I had absolutely no idea what he was thinking or going to do. Or worse … what he’d already done.
I took a water bottle and filled it with the hydration drink, then left the motorhome without another word to George. I wandered around the Perez pits until I found Rafe with Carlos. I handed him the water bottle and wandered off. There wasn’t much activity, with the exception of technicians and mechanics readying the cars.