Page 97 of The Chase
Devin finished with the potatoes and did nothing more. At least he’d done the potatoes since peeling them was the one thing I liked to do the least.
His phone buzzed, and he spent the rest of the afternoon chatting with friends. Each time he would end one call, there would immediately be another. I heard him telling one friend that Mondo was out of the question, and that he was having a dinner party. At least he had his priorities straight for the night.
I had just enough time to change before my guests arrived. Devin reluctantly let them in. He was even kind enough to ask them if they wanted a drink. Both Blake and Rafe declined.
“No wife and kids?” Devin asked Rafe in an attempt to be civil.
“They went home this morning.”
From the kitchen I could hear the awkward silence. I wondered what the three of them were doing. Staring at each other? I left the kitchen and found them standing around all looking uncomfortable. It was time to entertain.
I greeted Blake, then my brother. I insisted they both have a glass of wine, and Devin took the opportunity to escape. Maybe a little wine would loosen up this tense crowd.
“Dinner is almost ready. You two sit down, and I’ll get things started while Devin gets your drinks.”
The first few minutes of dinner were uncomfortable. The three men ate in silence as I finished serving dinner. I took a seat and stared at them all. Clearly, I’d have to be the one to initiate conversation.
“Hans Lauder and Merrick are almost unstoppable this year,” I said cheerfully.
Suddenly, they were all talking at once. They also all stopped at once, and Blake was the one to comment first.
“If you ask me, something isn’t right about those cars.”
Devin was nodding. “I was thinking the same thing.”
“I’ve heard they are using illegal fuel pumps.”
“I heard the car is lighter than regulations,” Rafe said.
“Perhaps Lauder is just a great driver,” I suggested.
They turned to look at me, all with the same expression on their faces. They were stunned that I’d say such a thing.
“Throw me into a Merrick car, and I could win every bloody race too,” Devin said.
“Not to offend,” Blake said, “but a headless chicken could win in a Merrick car.”
I was pleased they were making conversation, so I fostered it a little more. “So what is Merrick doing that makes that team the best?”
“They cheat,” the three of them said in unison.
As dinner concluded, Devin left the table to make some coffee. Blake leaned back in his chair and rubbed his stomach. “Great meal, Luna.”
“Thank you,” I said.
Blake turned to Devin. “Nice little house you have here, Flynn,” he said. “Houses on the outskirts of the city must be cheaper.”
All the niceties of the evening evaporated. I braced myself for what was going to come next. They’d kept their classist bullshit to themselves all night, but here it was at last. With one offhand comment, the evening was completely ruined.
Devin sat back down in his seat and smiled coldly. “Well, Carlton, this house was once owned by Leda Assante, the famous Italian soprano. She used to hold private parties here with only her closest friends. These parties were legendary as was the house. Some of greatest people came to these parties. Everyone who is someone knows about Leda and this house.”
Blake and Devin stared at each other, and I waited to see which one would blink first. I could see Blake’s body tense while Devin remained cool under his gaze. The standoff would have continued but the espresso was ready, and Devin had to take the espresso maker off the stove.
“It’s still an ugly house,” Blake said, his ego taking a beating.
“Don’t start anything,” I warned.
Devin returned with the espressos. I expected Blake to comment on them, but he was silent. Rafe’s phone chimed, and he took the call in another room while Blake and I discussed the unusually hot weather. Devin half listened. He was bored.