Page 104 of That Next Moment
Milo furrowed his brow. “I just thought you hated me.”
“She’s the one who told me to date you.” Madeline slapped her husband's bicep.
I loved this. This entire table, full of friends and family when Holly appeared. Hannah and Donald had kept her occupied most of the time, but she tended to wander traveling from her mom to Milo and then to her grandpa. She was full of energy, and nothing would stop her now.
“Alright, alright.” Elliot’s voice boomed over the crowd. “I believe it is time for the couple's first dance. Mr. and Mrs. Harris, would you please come to the dance floor?”
Elliot had sung all sorts of songs tonight, mainly country and mostly Thomas Rhett, but I was still holding out for one. Madeline smiled and stood, pulling Milo up by his arm as Elliot’s band started to play the opening notes of “Us, Someday,” the song that would always remind me of these two.
I leaned back into Clay and looked up to him. “Dance with me soon?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he said, his lips brushing against my temple.
Flutters rose in my stomach as I rested my head on his shoulder, his fingers finding my bare arm and tracing little circles around my shoulder.
Across the table, Jamie had her chin resting on her fist, her eyes doey as she looked at us. I narrowed my eyes at her, gave her a small grin and then settled back into Clay’s warmth, loving this moment where our best friends danced, and where I was his.
Milo and Madeline's dance ended and small claps and “whoops” came from the guests. Elliot made a funny comment about how there may or may not be cans on the back of Milo’s Chevy, using the lyrics he just sang as inspiration. When I looked over at Clay, he narrowed his eyes, gave me a smirk, and shook his head.
“We’re a terrible wedding party. We didn’t decorate the car,” he grumbled.
“They’re just going to the hotel across the road.” I pointed to the blue building. “If anything, we need the cans on the back of the car,” I joked.
Clay’s eyebrows raised, and he tilted his head at me, only one corner of his lips twitching up. “You’re not. . . getting a hotel?”
I shook my head. “I don't think I ever was going to.” I leaned in and kissed him, lingering just long enough for the world to fade, until I heard the song I was waiting for.
The one I heard as we first walked into The Piano Bar, the one he danced with Jamie with, the one I wanted to be ours.
“You’re my forever,”Elliot sang, just like in The Piano Bar. Only his voice. Nothing else was needed. The man was an artist.
“This one,” I whispered up to Clay.
He sat up a bit straighter, forcing me to lift my body off his. He stood and extended his hand to me. I felt the heat rush to my face.
“May I have this dance, Miss Fuller?”
I slipped my hand into his and followed him out to the dance floor, loving the way his arm slid around my waist, the way he felt against me as he led the way and as we danced. The lyrics meant more now that everything was certain with him.
I sighed, looking up at him. I lightly touched his cheek.
“I love you,” I whispered.
“I love you so much,” he whispered back, pressing his lips to mine as I melted, and the world vanished.
Chapter Forty-One
There were no cans on Milo’s Chevy, which I instantly regretted the minute Elliot had said the comment. I was tempted to run around the reception to take all the cans I could find and tie them to his bumper, but Ophelia kept me grounded. She kept me there and present, and when we danced, the entire world came together.
Before the night ended, Holly had snuck in between Ophelia and me, asking if she could “step in” and dance with me. Ophelia humbly agreed and stood off with Jamie, giggling as the four-foot Holly stood on my feet as we danced to another country song. The way her eyes lit up, and she held back her laughter put knots into my stomach, and I couldn’t wait to take her home.
With congratulatory handshakes, hugs and a shit ton of bubbles, everyone watched as Milo (giving Holly a huge hug goodbye, of course) escorted Madeline to his Chevy, and they drove the short distance to the hotel. The crowd started to head to their cars, leaving the event staff and the wedding party to clean up the tables and chairs, which, since I had motivation, happened very, very fast.
“Amazing set,” Ophelia said once we were done, giving Elliot a hug as he finished taking down the stage. “You’ll have to sing at my wedding, but I like a different kind of music.”
“Not a fan of Thomas Rhett?” he asked with a laugh.