Page 108 of That Next Moment
But when the morning turned into the afternoon and I still hadn’t heard from Ophelia, knots grew in my stomach. My instant reaction was something happened to the plane, so when I googled her flight number to see that she had landed safely, the knots slowly began to release. She was there, and she was safe. Her flight had landed thirty minutes ago, but when I dialed her number, it went straight to voicemail.
I texted Elliot. Maybe he could calm my nerves. Distractions.
Ophelia’s landed,was all I typed.
Elliot: You miss her yet?
Clay: More than anything.
Elliot: You could move now, you know. You don't need to wait.
Clay: I just need to tie up these loose ends. I could use a distraction though. Are you free for lunch?
Elliot: I am. You’re done with your checklist already?
Clay: Yes, and now I need a distraction. Lunch? Please? Maybe a few hours at the office?
Elliot: See you in thirty.
Hours passed, lunch with Elliot and working at his office, and no word from Ophelia. She was busy; I knew that. She was going to head straight to the boutique to meet with JoAnn. Maybe she had just forgotten to turn her phone back on. I knew she was excited to get going. Even her Instagram had blown up since Carter had posted a few teasers of Madeline getting ready.
I opened my app, scrolling through but finding no activity since the wedding.
It had been almost twelve hours since I last saw her, since I last kissed her and told her I loved her.
Pulling into Madeline’s driveway, waiting to hear Niko’s bark, I sent a quick text to Ophelia.
I hope your flight was good. I miss you already. Counting down the days. I love you.
Closing my phone and leaving the car, I trudged up to the house. Niko wasn’t barking. Maybe he hadn’t heard me. He wasn’t the best guard dog, but when I touched the door handle to discover it wasn’t locked, my anxiety peaked. I knew I had locked it before I left.
Slowly I opened the door, finally hearing Niko’s tags jingle as I tried to be quiet. He came up to me, jumped up for a hug and, still being as silent as I could, I turned to the living room, and I was finally able to breathe.
“Phe. . .” I said, my voice shaking, my heart thumping through my chest.
“Hi.” Ophelia was standing there, her suitcase next to the couch, her hands in front of her as she fiddled with her fingers. “So. . . funny story,” she began.
I pushed Niko off, giving him a reassuring pat before I walked toward her, letting her speak even though my body wanted to lunge forward.
“I got to New York, and I opened my phone to text you. I saw all your photos, and I realized it was so dumb of me to go to New York without you. I reached the curb before I figured it out, but I turned right back around and got on the first flight back to Portland. I barely made it but here I am.” She smiled.
I slid my hands in my jeans pockets, taking a few steps toward her.
“I can’t wait four months, Clay. We’ve waited ten years, so why extend it? Ten years ago, you shattered my heart and kicked the pieces to the curb, but in these past three months, you have managed to pick up every single piece and place it back together. Now I feel empty without you. New York isn’t home without you. I’m not whole without you next to me.” She took a deep breath, and slowly got down on one knee. “Clay Nolan, I need you in my life. I want you to be the one who’s holding my pin cushions. I want to go bungee jumping with you again. I want to fly with you. Let me help support you while you start this new adventure. Clay. . . will you marry me?”
I closed the gap between us, cradling her face in my hands. Her eyes were building with tears, a sweet smile on her lips as I leaned down. “I’ve been a mess without you, and it’s only been twelve hours. I can’t imagine my life any other way Phe. . . Ophelia. . . the woman of my dreams and the love of my life. Of course, I’ll marry you.”
The world fell into place when she kissed me, her hands finding my wrists as I melted into her.
“I love you,” she whispered against my lips with a sweet smile.
“I love you.”
Chapter Forty-Four
Nothing would compare to that night with Clay, not even our wedding night. The way we blended together, tender and passionate. The way we focused on each other, what we wanted and needed, it was unlike anything I had ever experienced. Clay was soft, gentle yet forceful and in control at the same time. The way he whispered that he loved me in my ear, the way his fingers created a shock in my body no matter where he touched me. It was perfect in every way, and I was so happy and so in love with the idea that it wouldn’t have to end.