Page 30 of That Next Moment
“Milo was the same way. Remember he told us he was getting off his shift, but he really wanted to take a fifty-minute shower and get ready in peace. I talked Madeline up so much he was nervous. He was expecting another Ophelia.” Clay chuckled, picking up his taco and taking a bite, closing his eyes in pure bliss as he ate.
“Well, back in college that would have been an interesting combo. Another Ophelia.” I laughed. Back in college I didn’t know what I wanted with my life. All I knew was that I wanted to design clothes, and I wanted to be with Clay. I tightened my lips at the thought. At least one of my wants came true.
“Milo wouldn't know what to do.”
“You could barely handle me in college. Having two Ophelias would have been a bad idea.” I laughed, louder than I normally would. “Anyway, what's another idea? I like the Piano Bar idea but hit me with some more.”
“We can go dancing downtown. We can go bungee jumping. We could go to Depoe Bay and—”
“I’m sorry, did you say we could go bungee jumping?” I stopped him.
He lifted his head, his eyes wide. “Yeah.”
“Bungee jumping?”
Clay laughed. “Yeah. It would be fun.”
“Have you ever been bungee jumping? Because I don't think Madeline has ever been or ever will go bungee jumping.”
“All we have to do is ask.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Milo would be down. And they could go together. It would be kind of romantic.”
I stared at him. “It wouldnotbe romantic. It would be traumatizing.”
He laughed. “The Piano Bar then?”
I nodded, taking another bite of my rice and beans. “I think that may be the best bet. I can’t believe you would suggest bungee jumping.”
Clay laughed, his smile catching my eye. “I’ll look into it, but don't say no to bungee jumping just yet,” he said through his laugh. “Oh, and for the record. . .” he stopped and lowered his fork, catching my eyes, holding my gaze. “I loved ‘handling’ you in college. You said it like it was a bad thing. It wasn’t, and. . . I miss it.”
As quick as the moment began, it was over, and he was back to talking about the Piano Bar, even pulling out his phone to check if they did private parties, giving a little victory cheer when they did. But as he moved the conversation forward, I was stuck on his comment.
Chapter Thirteen
In Seattle, I had a cleaner come to my apartment once a week. I would make coffee and have breakfast every morning, but I would mainly eat out for dinner, making the dishes the easiest chore in my apartment. My bathroom was always clean, nothing on the counter except my comb and toothbrush holder. I had a service for laundry, and the bed sheets were always cleaned. I lived the life of luxury.
Here, I didn't have that.
And I was starting to like it.
Normally, Milo was awake before me. In the past few months, he would tip toe around as I slept on the couch, always being nice enough to make coffee for both of us, even pouring some in a mug for me and setting it on the coffee table, hoping the pure scent would bring me to life. He would make breakfast, either cereal or eggs and toast, for Holly and me before starting his day. He left the dishes in the sink, towels on the ground in the bathroom, and a basket of unfolded clean laundry sat in the hallway.
I had to start somewhere if I wanted to continue to keep going. No more sleeping in, no more covering my head with the blanket. Instead, I set an alarm on my phone, the first one in months, and woke up when it rang, instantly hopping in the shower. I shaved and hung my towel on the hook, my dirty clothes in the basket. After I was dressed and semi-ready, I would make coffee and breakfast, throwing Milo for a loop the first time I handed him a coffee mug. It had been a few days of my new routine, and even though I wasn’t back to my old self by any means, it felt better to be doing something. Felt almost normal.
This morning, Milo was wandering in from his night shift, his eyes half closed as he dropped his bags on the floor. His phone was pinched between his shoulder and his ear. He gave me a slight nod.
“I’m glad you’re having a good time, Holly.” He yawned. “Yeah, I’m tired. I just got home from my night shift.”
“Tell Holly I say hi,” I whispered.
“Uncle Clay says hi. Yeah, I know he’s awake pretty early. He even made coffee.” Milo laughed.
I shook my head, rolling my eyes. I couldn't really get mad at the guy for his comment. It was true, after all.
“I need to get some sleep, sweetie. Tell your mom I said hello, and I’ll text you when I wake up, okay? Keep sending me photos.” Milo smiled, his face showing more exhaustion than normal. “Love you too. See you soon.” Taking his phone away from his cheek, he blinked and focused his eyes on me. “I’m tired.”
“I can tell. I would offer you coffee, but—”