Page 52 of That Next Moment
Chapter Twenty-One
Hooking up a Tesla to a Chevy was a lot harder than I thought, but we got it done. Milo drove with hazards on, going well below the speed limit, but as soon as we pulled up to a charging station, the adventure was over, and Tessa was plugged in. I helped transfer all the fabric into Milo’s truck and then leaned on the hood of the car, crossing my feet and sticking my hands in my pockets. To get a full charge, I'd be here awhile.
Milo approached, scratching the back of his neck. "Madeline is going to take the truck to the studio and drop off all the fabric. Mind if I hang out with you?"
"Not at all. It's going to be a bit." I shrugged as I turned back to the unit. "Looks like thirty minutes or so."
Milo cocked a shoulder. "I have all the time in the world."
I looked at my watch. "Doesn't Holly normally call soon?"
"She called on the way here. They are headed to Scotland next." Milo leaned up next to me on the car, crossing his arms.
"Scotland?" I parroted, looking over at Ophelia and Madeline as they talked by the truck. Milo started talking, but I couldn't pay attention to Holly’s escapades around the world. I was stuck watching Ophelia. The way she lit up around Madeline. Ophelia leaned in close and whispered into Madeline's ear and then glanced my way. Were they talking about me?
She gave me a wave, screamed “Thank you” at the top of her lungs, and then climbed into the passenger seat. Madeline ran over to give Milo and kiss goodbye, patting me on the shoulder before running back to the truck.
"Are you havingdéjà vufrom college too, or is it just me?" I asked as the truck pulled off onto the road, both girls leaving us guys behind.
"Just you. Madeline would have never kissed me in college." Milo laughed, shifting himself back on the hood. “How was the day with Ophelia?”
“Great.” I sighed. “I’m going back to the studio tomorrow.”
“Still using my Starbucks card, I hope. Racking up those points?”
“Is it yours or Madeline’s?” I countered, pinching my brow to look toward him.
Milo clenched his teeth. “Madeline's, but hey, she's not complaining. She likes the stars and wants to get the new cup coming out for pumpkin spice season.” He chuckled. “Seriously, it’s going okay between you two? Nothing for weeks and now planned days at the studio?”
I met his gaze and nodded slowly. “She let me call her Phe.”
His eyes widened, and he tilted his body away, shock radiating from him. “That’s huge, especially since she made a big to-do about it at dinner.”
“She wants to go have dinner with my parents. She said she misses them.”
“Dare I say things are looking up for you, Clay? You’re even acting differently.”
“Differently how?”
“Like the old you, the one from college. Not Seattle Clay, but the Clay I met back in OU. Almost like you’re. . .” He trailed off, turning to look at the car we were sitting on. “Happy.”
A smile spread across my lips as the single word floated through my brain. I wasn’t one hundred percent, that’s for damn sure. . . but I was getting there. I was finding my way back to. . . her.
Two coffees in hand, I entered the studio with my guard up. Madeline was there, most likely with her dress on, and I had no idea if she knew I was coming. I knocked and twisted the knob, raising my arm to cover my eyes.
“I have the Americano as requested, and my eyes are closed until told otherwise,” I announced.
I heard Madeline’s laugh. “It’s okay, Clay. I’m changing behind a screen. As long asyou don't have your cell phone,you are welcome to come in.”
“Phone is in my pocket, and it’s off. I will give it to Carter for reassurance,” I stated, lowering my arm to see a large black screen—when that appeared, I had no idea—and Carter sitting alone at the desk. His camera was ready to be used, and several pieces of fabrics and jewels were laid out on the table near him. I set down Ophelia’s coffee and pulled my phone out, handing it to Carter. “Here you are.”
Without looking up from the computer, he took my phone and set it face down.
“Hello to you too, Carter. I hope you had a good few days off.”