Page 81 of That Next Moment
“My place this time. I’m making you dinner.”
“You don’t cook,” I grumbled.
“Well, when you're unemployed, you tend to learn a few things.”
In the background I heard a shout. “You aren’t unemployed. Now, get back to work!”
I laughed at Elliot’s reaction, knowing full well it was a joke. Those two had gotten closer in the past few months than Clay would like to admit. He may have lost a job, but he gained a new friend.
“Boss man is after me.” He winked at me, that smile never once fading. “See you tonight.”
He wiggled his eyebrows and ended the call. My screen going blank.
“Okay, you two are adorable,” Jamie said from the front seat.
“It’s almost like no time has passed between you two. You just fit right back together,” Madeline added.
At first the statement made me smile, running my thumbs against my phone, wishing he would call me again, only to pull back. No time had passed, nothing had changed. In reality, everything had changed.
Chapter Thirty-One
Iwas a man in love, and no one could convince me otherwise. The days flowed easier, knowing that Ophelia had my heart safely with her. Nothing could stand in my way; nothing could bring me down.
Not even an email with the subject lineUrgent, J&R Appealthat came seconds after I hung up with Ophelia.
I hovered the cursor over the email a few times, circling the wordurgentbefore I finally opened the email. I leaned forward with my chin resting on my thumb as I quickly read.
Mr. Nolan,
This morning, Brian Walker has been charged with embezzlement from Hunter Wallace Law Firm. After being brought in, he confessed to the four million embezzlement from Jackson and Rye last year. He is pleading guilty on all accounts. Jackson and Rye have been notified and will drop the charges on you and the remaining members of your team. Mr. Walker’s case is still being processed, and we will have a firm timeline for you soon. Please be aware that you may be brought in for questioning and as a witness in any trial that may arise.
I highly suggest we motion toward appeal against Jackson and Rye. Yes, the charges will be dropped completely, but in order to receive your settlement back, an appeal would guarantee your money be returned to you.
I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. I’ll be in touch.
Justin Gardner; Attorney
Leaning back in my chair, I ran my hand through my hair, planting them firmly on the top of my head.
“Fuck.” I mumbled under my breath.
“Hey now.” Elliot’s voice materialized behind me. “Watch your language.”
I lowered my hands and spun in my chair, the smile on his face turning to concern when he saw my face. For sure, I was stunned, my eyes wide, my jaw dropped and my hands still on my head. I let out a deep breath and pointed to my laptop. Elliot furrowed his brow and leaned in over my shoulder to read the email. After a few moments, realizing that he had to read it twice, he backed away, his face mimicking mine.
“Fuck,” he mumbled.
“I’m not one to swear, really, but that warrants one.”
I exhaled through my nose, staring at the computer screen, reading it one last time.
. . . motion toward appeal. . .