Page 85 of That Next Moment
I popped my hip and placed my hand side. “Not a chance in the middle of fall but thank you,” I smiled, only to break the smile when I remembered the reason why I had to talk to her. “Oh, about that. I just got off the phone with JoAnn—”
“She’s the one who bought the store, right?” Jamie asked, grabbing her small handbag from the couch, her strawberry blonde curls falling in her face. In the times I had seen Jamie, her hair was normally up, tighter—thanks to her job—but tonight, she let herself loose, and she was stunning. It was no wonder why Elliot was hoping to ask her out.
“She is. She’s my biggest client.” I reached out to Madeline and fixed her bustline. The small seam could be hidden, and even though I was the only one who noticed, I couldn’t help but fix it. “Thanks to this dress. She wants me to fly out tomorrow so I can see the progress and take some photos with the store. She is closer to opening it than we thought she said next month. . .”
“Phe!”Madeline’s arms wrapped around my neck, her face getting full of hair.
“Maddy, the dress.” I pulled her back.
“Phe, this is amazing. I can’t believe it.”
I smiled at my friend. She had seen me through so much and, as I knew she would be—was always—my biggest support. Tears welled in my eyes, but I blinked them away.
“I’ll be back for the wedding and the rehearsal. . .” I muttered, keeping those emotions locked down.
“Oh, I have no doubt. You wouldn't miss that even if it was the end of the world.” Madeline rubbed my bare arms. “Have you told Clay yet? What does he think? I bet he’s excited. Oh!” She gasped. “Take him with you.”
I chuckled. “I don't think JoAnn will go for that, plus we are still taking things slow. We haven't talked about what's going to happen when I leave yet. And Ijusthung up with JoAnn. I’ll tell Clay at the party. It’s no big deal, just a couple of days in New York and then back home.”
Madeline’s phone buzzed, pulling her attention from me. “Oh, it’s Milo. He and Clay are meeting Elliot at the Piano Bar now. Are you guys ready?”
“Extremely.” Jamie smiled, linking her arm with Madeline. “I’m driving!”
I laughed as they made their way out of the house, each giving Niko a rub behind the ears. I followed, pulling my phone out to text JoAnn.
Ophelia:Book me that flight! Can’t wait to see the store.
Her response was instant, as if she’d been waiting for my response since the second we’d hung up.
JoAnn: Paying now. See you and Carter tomorrow!
Just as I finished reading her text, another popped up, making my heart turn.
Clay: I can’t wait to see you tonight. Counting the minutes.
Chapter Thirty-Three
hat was Milo and Madeline’s first date?” I read aloud from the card as Milo and Elliot walked the tables, making sure every place was set and ready. Milo was insistent that we arrive before everyone else to give the girls a stress-free party. “A: a football game.” I furrowed my brow at him. “B: being set up on a blind date, here at the Piano Bar. C: Powell’s bookstore with a trip to Madeline’s favorite waffle truck and, D: SeeingThe Avengersin IMAX.” I lowered the card and glared at my friend. “Ophelia wrote this card for sure.”
After an amazing night that consisted of Ophelia and me trying to figure out who knew more about Milo and Madeline’s relationship, we had twenty-seven questions. Each table had a trivia card with a photo of them in different stages in their relationship, including a photo that was taken at the proposal. They looked great on the tables.
“You hate football.” Elliot came up behind me, his hands firmly in his pants pockets. All three of us were dressed semi-formal, each wearing a suit with no tie, slacks, and my favorite shiny shoes. Elliot’s brown hair was a mess on top of his head, the sides freshly shaven, and his five o’clock shadow was showing heavier than I had seen at the office. The man definitely knew how to separate himself from his business.
“That technically has two answers,” Milo answered, fixing the button on his jacket. “We were set up on a date,andI took her to Powell’s and the waffle truck, so that's a trick question.”
I flipped the card over. “The correct answer is B being set up on a blind date, here at the Piano Bar.”
Milo shrugged his shoulders and nodded. “Okay, so you and Ophelia went way back.”
“We had twelve years to go off of.” I raised the card again. “What is Madeline’s favorite book that Milo has bought her?”
“Oh, come on, how will the guests know the answer to that one?” Elliot grumbled.
I walked over to the display table, which held pieces of them for others to see. This was yet again one of Ophelia’s ideas that she came up with while we were making the trivia cards. She knew exactly what items to display, including one single book. I picked up the paperback with the painted edges. It was in pristine condition, the spine not cracked and the pages still having that new book smell. I handed it to Elliot.