Page 93 of That Next Moment
I looked straight out the window to the building next to mine, then looked at the view from my desk, trying to find another distraction, any kind of distraction.
Three months couldn’t heal ten years.
“Oh, Ophelia,” I said aloud to no one, “you’re overreacting.”
I ran my hands through my wild hair and groaned as I traced the back of my head, settling on the nape of my neck.
My phone once again broke the silence in the kitchen. I turned to glare at it. Whoever it was could wait, I thought as I turned, ignoring the phone all together, walking into my bedroom to take a long, hot shower.
A few hours later, I walked up to one of my favorite restaurants in the city to meet JoAnn. The phone call I ignored was, in fact, JoAnn giving a few details on a meeting wehad to havetonight. Carter had to be there as well in what she called an all-hands-on deck situation. I, for one, was grateful and willing to take the business meeting. Anything to keep my mind off a certain someone back in Portland.
Carter met me outside and held the door open as I walked past. It amazed me that just a few months ago, I thought he was a micromanaging businessman, but in reality, he was passionate about photography, and he seemed to enjoy working with me and JoAnn. Something told me this wasn’t going to be the last time I saw or worked with Carter. There was still Madeline’s wedding, after all.
JoAnn was already at the table, three waters set out and an iPad propped up off to the side. Carter and I gave each a glance, a small smile on each of our lips, as he approached the table. I stood up straighter, making sure my confidence was radiating through the room.
“Ophelia!” JoAnn opened her arms and stood to give me a hug. “It’s so good to see you!”
“You too, JoAnn. You’ve been busy.” I took the seat next to her, setting my bag on the floor next to me. I could see my phone peeking out from my bag. I reached for it but forced my hand to form a fist. I didn't need that right now. I needed this. I needed to focus. I blinked and unfolded the napkin on my plate to lay it on my lap. “So, do I get to see the store today?”
“Tomorrow, for sure. Today, we need to go to the factory. I’d like you to see the dresses so I can get your approval. There’s one design in particular you ought to see.” JoAnn mimicked my motions with her napkin and then reached for her laptop. “Here, let me show you.”
She began to thumb through the iPad, showing off photos she had taken of the gowns being made. Some were completely ready, in plastic bags and hung with care. Others were still being processed. A lot of these photos were blurry, making it hard for me to see the details in the dress. I glanced at Carter, who had been his normal silent self while JoAnn talked our ears off, and I suddenly wished there were two of him so the photos I was looking at were higher quality.
The waiter had come and taken our orders and refilled our waters. All the while, JoAnn kept going on and on about the gown, as I looked at every photo, just trying to see if I could tell what the issue was.
“And then there’s the logo of the store and the Instagram,” JoAnn said, switching off the photos of the gowns and turning to another app instead. “I want your opinion on the sign.”
“What are we calling the store?” I asked, taking a sip of my water. All her other stores were simplyJoAnn Harmon’s. Her name was well known. Even having my name next to hers was an honor.
She widened her eyes, and the corner of her mouth lifted. “Well, I have a few ideas.” She tapped a few things on her iPad and pulled up a few mock logos. My jaw dropped.
Ophelia Fuller: Wedding Gowns.
Gowns by Ophelia.
Ophelia Gowns.
Ophelia’s Bridal Shoppe.
I brought my hand to my chest, reminding myself to breathe. “My name?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper.
JoAnn gave a small laugh, then her smile grew. “Yes, dear. Your name. This is all you. I only invested in you. And it was the best investment I’ve ever made, if I do say so myself. First wedding gowns, then seasonal stores. All with your name.”
I pursed my lips and forced myself to swallow. I knew I was designing gowns for her store, but I never thought the store would have my name on it. I felt the tears welling in my eyes, and I couldn’t stop them. One tear hit my cheek, and I looked at JoAnn. I had no words, nothing at all to describe what I was feeling at this moment.
The sound of Carter’s camera pulled me back, making me chuckle and turn to him.
“Oh, yeah. My crying is the perfect thing for Instagram.” I laughed, wiping away the single tear from my cheek.
JoAnn reached forward and touched my forearm. “These are the mock logos, and I'd like you to pick. Whichever you choose will go above the door.”
I swallowed again, giving JoAnn one last smile before turning to look at my name on her iPad. They all were perfect, but one, only one stood out above the rest.
“I love this one.” I tapped on it, and it blew up on the screen. The swoops and rose color of my name. The embellished half circle coming from ‘Fuller’ pulled it all together, giving it flare. My heart exploded looking at it.
“I do too.” JoAnn smiled.