Page 98 of That Next Moment
That sounds perfect. I can’t wait. Pizza and wine will be involved, I hope,I responded.
Madeline: You know it. See you in eight hours!
Eight hours, not soon enough. My suitcase was packed and by the door, lighter than in June. I had brought everything back with me. There was no need to pack several suitcases and my portfolio. All I needed was right there in the one suitcase. Easy and simple, small enough to carry on the plane. The wedding was Saturday. I was leaving Monday, and a small sting hit my memory when I recalled that Clay would be dog watching Niko. I remembered saying I would book a hotel those nights.
But a softer memory entered my mind right after I thought about the hotel—Clay’s hands around my waist, his kisses at my temple, his voice in my ear, telling me he loved me.
After the wedding. . .
Another small ding from my phone caught my attention. I instantly reached for it. Clay’s name appeared on the screen with a thumbnail of a photo, and when I opened it to full size, I saw him, Milo, and Holly all sticking their tongues out at the camera. Clay’s eyes were squinting, his five o’clock shadow more prominent than Milo’s, definitely telling me he hadn’t been to Elliot’s office this week. I missed this goofy side of him, and I was so in love with knowing he was letting it out more and more.
Clay: One last daddy-daughter day in the apartment watching Marvel movies. Holly graciously allowed me to join in the fun. See you tomorrow!
I saved the image to my phone and responded.Tomorrow.
I simply couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
In the Uber to the airport and all the way through until I was boarded on my flight, I had one thing on my mind. Clay. And how I desperately wanted to be with him more than anything. I wanted him with me as I toured the boutique and when I made suggestions for changes. I wanted him next to me in my bed, his arms around me comforting my insecurities that I tried to hide so well.
There was absolutely no denying that I was in love with him, and I couldn’t wait to tell him.
I couldn’t do the distance; this trip taught me that. It opened my eyes to it. I made a plan in my mind, forming it all out perfect. I would ask him to move in with me, help him find a job here in the city, and watch as his life unfolded here like it should have all those years ago. We’d be together, in love, for the rest of our lives. Just thinking about it made my heart sing.
Madeline pulled up to the curb, and just like she did in June, she jumped from her car and ran to give me a hug. I laughed into her shoulder, happy to have my friend close again, even if I was only gone for three days, I still loved coming home to her.
“Please tell me you got pictures.” Madeline pulled me at arm's length. “Carter hasn’t posted anything since the warehouse, and I’m dying to see the inside. That logo!” She bent her knees and had the biggest grin on her face. Her support couldn’t compare to anyone. She was always so excited, which made me excited.
“I have a few, but Carter will be posting after the wedding. I promise you’ll see everything. And”—I tossed my suitcase in the back and climbed in the passenger seat—“we have an opening day. It’s set.”
Madeline dropped her jaw and turned. “Seriously, when?”
“November 17th.” I smiled. “And you better be there. JoAnn said she’s going to make a show of it, a ribbon cutting and everything. I’ll need you there.”
“Hell, yes!” she shouted. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
I reached over and kissed her cheek, causing her to scrunch her nose.
Popping the car into drive, she gave a small cough. “Clay’s good,” she said, giving me a side eye as I settled back into the seat. “He’s really good.”
I smiled. “I missed him, Maddy,” I admitted, my feelings finally coming out to someone. “I can’t wait to see him. We have a lot to talk about. We said after the wedding, but I don’t think I can wait.”
“He’ll be at the rehearsal tomorrow, and I know he has some news for you. He got a really exciting phone call while you were gone.”
I turned to look at her. “Oh, yeah?” I swallowed. “About what?”
“He got offered a job, a big one. . .”
I furrowed my brow. “He’s been working with Elliot, hasn’t he? I mean, I figured that was just temporary but, he seemed to like working with Elliot.”
“Elliot gave him his last paycheck already. Trust me, Elliot is excited about this too.” She had a smile on her face, and her eyes had a sparkle to them that I couldn’t understand. She was excited about his big new job offer. Where did I factor into this?
I blinked a few times and focused my eyes out the window. We talked on the phone; we texted a few times. Why didn’t he tell me anything? My mind went straight back to that night. Thinking we were it, we were meant to be, and then thestupidjob offer. . .
He’s choosing the job again.
“Oh,” I stumbled. “That's great.”
“Phe.” Madeline smiled over at me. “It really is great.”