Page 14 of Aloha, Seattle
Chapter Four
I realize once I am standing outside Theo’s loft that I might be severely underdressed. Eve had pleaded for me to wear one of her curve hugging dresses but once I reminded her that my hips are wider than hers, that request died on the spot. Tommy offered that Theo would be rendered speechless if I showed up in a bikini to which Eve promptly shoved him out of my room, screaming that he wasn’t being helpful.
I settle on my best pair of denim jeans, a loose fitted, long sleeve V-neck shirt, my ankle high brown boots and my favorite olive-green coat. I am not here to seduce Theo. But then again, I’m not here tonotseduce him either. Honestly, now standing on his building’s stoop in the icy winds, I have no idea why I agreed to meet him. Why I agreed to any of this.
I turn to leave. This whole idea of us fake dating, going to Hawaii, and lying to his family is wild and it is starting to fray at my nerves. I stop and look back at the buzzer with T. Bennett written next to it. I gnaw at my fingers like a rabid animal.
He is expecting me. We made a deal.
I sigh and stop chewing on my index finger to press the button but once again stop short. Eve and Tommy have rattled me. I am overthinking everything.
This is a simple business transaction,I tell myself. One wedding weekend for one New Year’s Eve party. I can do this. Those dreamy green eyes of his have no power over me. If only I genuinely believed that.
I rub a hand over my face when I hear Theo say, “Cate, what are you doing?”
My head shoots up and I open my mouth to spit out some excuse about a headache or fatigue or being lost, but I don’t see him anywhere. I turn in a complete circle thinking I am stressing so much I am starting to imagine him when I hear Theo’s voice again.
“I’m upstairs. I can see you on my security camera.”
Horror. Straight horror blazes through my mind and soul. “You can see me? I haven’t even pressed the buzzer yet.”
“Its motion activated.”
If the blistering cold wasn’t responsible for the redness of my entire body, this would definitely be the culprit.
“Uh…exactly how long have you been…?”
“Watching you?” He offers. I can hear a hint of a laugh on his lips, and I frown. “Since you first got here.”
“Oh. My. God!” I bury my face in my icy-cold hands. He has been watching me for at least five minutes, silently wrestling with myself about going up to his apartment. Eve’s right. I want to burrow into a hole like a gopher and hide.
“Should I buzz you in now or do you still need a minute?” Theo asks.
Kill. Me. Now.I scream internally.
I summon the feeblest smile I can muster. “You can uh…” I clear my throat. “I mean, if it’s okay with you, I…I’m ready to be buzzed. I mean buzzed in. Inside your apartment.”
Dear. God. Make it stop. Take my tongue. Wake me from this nightmare. Anything to satisfy the cringe creeping through every inch of my humiliated body.
For a second, I think he has changed his mind. He hasn’t buzzed me inside and he isn’t saying anything.Hell. He’s not going to buzz me in. I am the literal definition of a crazy person. I can hardly blame him. I wouldn’t let me in either babbling on the way I am.
I turn to retreat like a dog with my tail between my legs when he stops me.
“Cate, wait! Sorry, I had to take something out of the oven.” I hear the buzzing of the door sound. “Come on up. Top floor. The door is open.”
Before I can change my mind again, I slip through the door, walk to the end of the hall, and step into the elevator. I slam my finger into the button marking the eighth floor, the highest number, and I feel like throwing up. But if I vomit in Theo’s loft I will without a doubt die of embarrassment. A woman can only handle so much humiliation before ultimately giving up the will to live.
The elevator reaches the top floor, and the doors open with ading. Directly across the hallway is one large modern looking black door. I look up and down the hall and I don’t see another door. He must live on theentirefloor. I reach for the handle and the door brushes open.
His loft is the epitome of modern Seattle loft living. My eyes are drawn to the brick walls and floor to ceiling windows with views of the water and snowcapped mountains. My mouth drops. Everything about the wide plank wooden floors, the leather furniture, and the marble kitchen countertops, is perfect.
And that is where I finally spot Theo. In his dream of a kitchen, drinking a beer, wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt. At least I didn’t dress inappropriately.
Theo smiles brightly as I close the door behind me.
“Glad you decided to come up.” He takes another swig of his beer. “I couldn’t imagine eating all of this food on my own.”
His eyes motion toward the Thanksgiving feast on his gigantic butcherblock island. Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, apple pie, stuffing, green bean casserole, freshly baked rolls. It smells like Heaven and is surprisingly beautiful for such a traditional holiday meal.