Page 29 of Aloha, Seattle
“It’s not what it looks like.” I roll my eyes.
Tommy scans the kitchen and sees the remnants of our takeout dinner and the breakfast Theo made us. His eyes dart to my open bedroom door and sees the unmade bed. “Right.” He winks. “I can’t wait to tell Eve she missed this.”
I smack his belly and sit back down at the kitchen counter to finish my breakfast. I can already see Eve’s happy dance and it makes me smile.
Chapter Seven
“Do I look alright?” I beeline to the living room where Eve is in pajamas with an enormous bowl of popcorn. “Eve, is this outfit ok for dinner with Theo’s parents?”
Eve pauses her Netflix show and uses her index finger to instruct me to turn in a circle. I oblige. She squints at me and rubs her fingers along her chin.
“What?” I panic. I haven’t seen Theo since the food poisoning incident due to our busy schedules and I find myself extremely nervous. “What’s wrong? Is it the dress? Should I just wear pants? Lose the earrings?”
She fake cries and claps her hands. “I am a proud Ma right now!” She squeals. “You look great!”
“Really? Are you sure?”
“Yes, girl!” She snorts at me questioning her. “You think I want you leaving the apartment looking a hot mess? That is a reflection on me, and Ma doesn’t have messy babies.”
I lean over and kiss her forehead. “Thank you.” I put up two shoe options, one being a flat, the other being a heel, both belonging to Eve. She points to the heel. Of course she does.
“Is he coming to pick you up?”
I purse my lips and tilt my head as I fumble to get my earrings fastened. “You want to get a peek of him, don’t you?”
Eve throws a piece of her favorite treat in her mouth and flashes a look that screamsduh. “Do you know how much it stings to know Tommy met him before I did AND even worse having Tommy tell me himself!”
I finish looping the ankle straps on the heels and sink into the couch next to her, throwing my arm around her. “I’m sorry, Ma. Next time I have a man stay the night, I’ll make sure you walk in on us first, so you don’t have to hear it second hand from Pa.”
“Is that too much to ask?” Eve nudges me with her shoulder. “Don’t be nervous.”
“I’m not.”
“Kit Kat.” She furrows her brow.
“I’ll do my best,” I relent, twisting one of her beautiful wiry curls in my fingers.
She swats my hand away. “Stop that. My body is a temple, and I don’t have time to redo my hair before my date tonight.”
“When are you supposed to be going? It’s already 5pm.”
“Is it really?” Eve jumps up from the couch and checks her phone. Sure enough, it’s five. “Blasted Netflix, draining my brain and stealing my time.”
“Guess you’ll be far too busy getting ready to snoop on Theo and me.” I tease.
“I am never too busy to snoop, Kit Kat. You should already know that.” It takes her four long steps to get to her room when we both here a knock on the front door.
We glance at each other, and I mouth,don’t you dare, but it’s too late. She sprints for the door before I even have a chance to get up.
“Eve,” I rasp out a warning.
“I promise to play nice.” She fluffs her hair and swings the door open.
If Theo is surprised to see Eve answer the door, he doesn’t show it. And if it’s even possible, he’s looking better than all the other days I’ve seen him combined. His white, button-down dress shirt is tucked into his gray trousers and his suit jacket fits him like it was made especially for him. I realize it probably was as my eyes scan him head to toe, soaking in every delicious angle of him standing there. He smiles and I think Eve is about to fall over in a fit of joy.
“Hi,” she finally extends her hand. “I’m Eve. You must be Theo.”
He takes her hand in his and I swear I see her knees buckle. “It’s nice to meet you, Eve. I’ve heard a lot about you.”