Page 39 of Aloha, Seattle
“Oh, is that so?” His eyes are playful, and he tries not to laugh.
“Yeah,” I nod. “I would say plain ordinary but that might be hurtful.”
“Hmm…” He narrows his eyes, a smirk crawling across his cheeks. “If I was a betting man, which I do believe I am, I think you’ll find your average, dare I say ordinary, friend if you turn in a complete circle.”
“You think?” I pop a hip to the side and tilt my head. Hair falls over my shoulder and he looks like he wants to reach over and twist a few strands between his fingers.
“Yeah,” he nods, snatching his gaze from my hair. “Give it a try.”
I humor him and turn in a complete circle. When I return to face him, he is holding two coffees and extends one to me.
“One white chocolate mocha, extra whipped cream, for the lady with pretty brown eyes.” Theo winks.
“Wow.” I take the drink and stare at my feet. “First you remember the book I was reading when we first met and now my coffee order. If I knew any better,” I look up at him through my lashes, “I’d think you were trying to impress me.”
“Maybe I am.”
Caleb clamps a hand on Theo’s shoulder, a bag of goodies clutched in his free hand. “You two lovebirds ready?”
I smile and nod politely, even though I want to go back three seconds to what Theo was saying. “Very excited.”
Caleb turns his attention to Theo. “You going to be alright?”
I see Theo’s eyes fill with fear of heights and flying, as if he had forgotten where he was. “Yeah.” He nods but even I recognize he isn’t.
“You know,” I offer sweetly, bending my head so he’ll catch my gaze, “I’ve been told by some people that I am a flying pro and as a trained professional, there is no one better prepared for any and every situation than me.” I flash an encouraging smile Theo’s way. “Anything you need, babe, I’m there.”
Without realizing it, I am holding Theo’s hand and squeezing like he’s done for me several times to ease my nerves.
The look in his eyes is one I have not seen from him before. I am not sure what is going through his head, but I feel a warmth in our clasped hands. I would give up my endless supply of chocolatey treats if I could bottle up this feeling and sell it.
“You better keep her,” Caleb elbows Theo in the ribs with a smirk.
“Flight 4532 flying from Seattle to Honolulu is boarding now.” The ticket agent starts the boarding process.
Caleb walks away from us to find Sarah and grab their bags. Theo and I are still standing in the middle of the terminal, hands clasped, eyes glued to one another.
“We should probably,” I tilt my head toward the gate agent scanning tickets.
He nods, although he doesn’t say anything.
I squeeze his hand again, “I’ve got you.”
His feet start to move, and we walk hand in hand with our tickets, coffee, and bags to the gate agent. Theo’s family has already boarded by the time we get there and I suck in a breath because I know the gate agent. And she knows my ex-boyfriend, Derek.
Even if I wanted to, I can’t stop. Her eyes have already met mine and she has noticed me clutching Theo’s hand tightly. She motions us forward and scans our tickets.
“Cate, I didn’t know you were going to Hawaii.” She addresses me but her eyes are glued to Theo.
“Yeah, we are going to his brother’s wedding.”
“Oh, how fun!” She brightens and winks. “Doesn’t hurt that he’s way better looking than Derek.”
I hear him chuckle lightly behind me and I muster a smile and nod. “Thank. You. For that.”
“Have a safe trip.” We start to glide past her when she says, “Oh, and Cate?” I glance behind me, hoping, praying she doesn’t say anything embarrassing.
“Yeah, Peggy?”