Page 56 of Aloha, Seattle
“Please remember me in this moment.” I flash the sweetest smile I can his way.
One of his eyebrows arches. “What do you mean?”
“Remember me as the woman you flew here with. Not the woman I’m about to be.”
“Oh yeah? And what type of woman are you about to be?” He is willing to play the game.
I whisper so only he can hear. “I am going to kick your ass.”
“I’d like to see you try, babe.”
“Alright,” Tess raises her voice so both teams can hear. “We’re playing one game. First team to score twenty-one points is the winner of the first of three events that compose the Wedding Games. Got it?”
Everyone nods and grunts they are ready.
Caleb points at Sarah, who is about to serve first, and yells, “I’ll love you no matter what, baby!”
Sarah. Sweet, petite Sarah. She frowns and snorts, “Your distractions won’t work on me, Bennett! I’ve been preparing for the Wedding Games since I was six. You’re going down!”
“Yeah!” Tess applauds. “That’s what I’m talking about Sarah.” She takes two fingers, points to her eyes and motions them to both of her brothers. She mouths, “You’re going down.”
Where has this family been my entire life?
Sarah serves and slams the ball into the sand between Caleb and Drew.
“Ace!” Tess shouts.
Sarah throws her arms wide, taunting her fiancé. Caleb nods his head, apparently the ante has been upped.
It’s Sarah’s serve again, and she changes up her serve. She smashes the volleyball over the net and strikes the corner of the court, an ace, barely.
“Sarah the Groom Destroyer!” Tess points both index fingers at the men through the net. She looks left and winks at me. “2-0, boys. Is that all you’ve got?”
The third time Sarah serves, the boys are ready to a frightening degree. Caleb dives for the ball, willingly sacrificing his body, and digs it up into the air. Theo sets the ball for Liam who slams it onto our side of the sand.
Fist pumps and neanderthal grunts sound on their side and Tess and I roll our eyes.
“Act like you’ve scored before.” Tess can’t help but taunt them.
I laugh. She is everything I’ve been looking for in a partner in competitive crime. I whistle to get her attention. “Set me up.”
Her grin is like the Cheshire Cat’s. She nods and gets in position for Caleb to serve for Team Groom.
A fire has been lit in Caleb. He is a Bennett after all. Winning and being competitive is in his blood. But I don’t think he was ready for Sarah to be just as, if not more, ruthless than him. He jumps in the air and sends the ball sailing through the air. Ruth hits it and Tess willingly sets me up. I know Theo and Liam are watching me to block my spike. I pretend to jump in the air, faking them out. They both jump up, arms raised up high. But as they are making their decent, I leap and slam the ball into the sand behind them.
Theo glances where the ball lands and whips his head back to look at me.
“Oh,” I pop a hip to the side and tap my index finger against my chin. “Did I forget to mention I played volleyball all four years of high school?”
That wicked grin slices across his face. “Must have slipped your mind.”
I shrug. “I told you I was going to kick your ass.”
“You did,” he nods, stretching so I will notice his perfectly sculpted body. And of course, I do.Hell. “And now, I’m afraid, I’ll have to crush you.”
I tear my eyes from his six-pack and tattooed arm and snort, “I’d like to see you try, babe.” I throw his words back at him and his smile nearly knocks me on my backside.
Hellfire. Why is he so beautiful?