Page 62 of Aloha, Seattle
“Cate?” Theo whispers next to me.
I turn my face to my left and see him laying on his side. He is inches away from me. Those green eyes shoot electricity through my aching body.
“Hey, Théoden,” I smile weakly.
The corners of Theo’s eyes crinkle. He looks relieved. “I knew you were competitive, but don’t you think this was a bit much, even for you?”
“No guts, no glory,” I whimper a laugh. My left shoulder is killing me. I reach my fingers up and brush my skin. He winces on my behalf.
“You took a bit of a tumble.” He explains and I feel the soft and tingly bruise forming. “You had me worried.”
“I guess I panicked when I heard your last question.” My eyes meet his gaze, and he nods.
“I figured as much.”
“Who won?”
Theo’s eyebrows shoot up. “You pass out and beat the piss out of your arm and your first question is who won?”
“I really don’t want to have to perform a hula,” I smirk, and he roars in delight. I love the sound of his laugh, his voice.
He lifts his tattooed arm to brush hair out of his face, still grinning ear to ear. Theo shakes his head at me.
“You are hands down the most competitive person I have ever met.”
“More than Tess?” I wiggle my eyebrows and he bobs his head, pursing his lips.
“Oh, absolutely.”
“So…” I bite my bottom lip, nervous to hear the answer to my question, but realizing if I don’t know it’ll drive me stark mad. “Who won? Team Bride or Team Groom?”
Theo raises himself up on his elbow, looking down at my face. He looks like he is about to kiss me and my heart jumps at the thought of his lips touching mine.
“Seeing as you passed out down there,” his voice is low, soft, as if he is sharing a deep, dark secret while his gaze bounces from my lips back up to my line of sight. “We called it a draw.”
“Which means?” I ask, feeling lightheaded again, but not due to panic.
“At the rehearsal dinner tonight, there will be a tie breaker.”
“So,” I lift my chin slightly, “you’re saying I still have a chance to kick your ass.”
Theo cocks his head to the side, dark tresses falling back over his eye. “If that’s what you really want.”
“It is.” My eyes drift to his bottom lip.
His fingers wrap around strands of my brown hair, and he twirls it leisurely. “What else do you want?”
You.I want so desperately to tell him that its him I want. And unless I have seriously misread the situation, and fabricated the sexual tension between us, I swear that’s exactly what he wants to hear me say.
“What else do you want, Catalina?” Theo asks me again, this time barely getting the last few words out.
“You,” I admit. And for the first time in my life, it feels right. Like I have finally found the one my soul has been searching for. The one I didn’t realize I was missing until now. “I want you.”
Theo’s lips are on mine, and I feel a warmth surge through my body. He kisses me like its an itch he has been dying to scratch. His tongue slips inside my mouth, and he tucks his hand behind the back of my neck. Theo’s kisses are gentle at first, but then become more passionate and I hear a muffled groan come from his lips.
I stroke my fingers through his hair, lifting my head up, not wanting him to pull away from me. I shove him back into a seated position and flip my leg around him, straddling him, our lips still connected. Theo’s hands rest on my hips as I wrap my arms around his neck. His fingers trail up the sides of my waist until he has wrapped his exceptionally muscled arms around my back.