Page 99 of Aloha, Seattle
Theo kisses my shoulder, my neck, my lips. My body shivers in delight. But I can’t do this. I need to get home so I can get ready for tonight. My eyes close.
“Why are you doing that when you know I need to go?” I groan.
“I’m not stopping you, Catalina.” He whispers in my ear and runs a finger down my spine. “The door is right there.”
“You aren’t playing fair, Theo.”
“What am I doing that’s unfair?”
“You know exactly what you’re doing.”
Theo’s lips find mine again and before I realize it, he has flipped me on my back and is laying on top of me.
“Alright,” I pull my face from his to catch a breath. “Five more minutes.”
That wicked smile of his spreads across his face. “Ten.”
“Seven,” I whisper when he leans down and plants an open mouth kiss to my neck.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
As soon as I jingle my keys to unlock the front door of our apartment, Eve whips it open and yanks me inside.
“Spill, Kit Kat!”
“Hello to you too.” My snicker is met with Eve crossing her lanky arms across her chest.
“She’s been like this since she got home,” Tommy plops into one of the lime green armchairs and kicks his socked feet up on the coffee table.
Eve pushes me to the couch and slaps Tommy’s feet off the table with a scowl. “Feet on the floor. You know the rules.”
“What do you think happens when you’re not home?” he mumbles.
Eve flashes a wicked glare Tommy’s direction, planting her hands on her narrow hips. “Do tell, Tom Cat. What happens when I’m not home?”
Tommy rocks back and forth in his seat, shaking his head. “Nope. Not today, Satan. Not going to get me.”
“That’s what I thought,” Eve snorts, but a smile she can’t hide anymore follows closely behind.
I attempt to tip toe past Eve to grab a drink from the kitchen but her hand shoots out blocking my path. Her playful eyes meet mine.
“And you.” She points her index finger up. “If you have me wait one more precious second to hear about what happened between you and your future husband, I will eat every piece of chocolate you have hidden in the shoe box in your closet. Swear to the Heavens, I will!”
My eyes widen and dart to Tommy who looks just as surprised, maybe even disappointed, I have a stash he doesn’t know about.
“Didn’t think I knew about that little secret stash, huh?” Eve’s eyebrows wiggle, flashing her gap-tooth smile. “Ma knows all, Kit Kat. Ma knows all.”
“Well, that’s not frightening.” Tommy munches on a cookie he pulls from his chest pocket.
“Tess showed up here last night,” I sink into the couch.
Eve settles next to me, eyes wide. “Theo’s sister? What did she want?”
I tell Ma and Pa all about Tess’s visit, the drive to Theo’s restaurant, and telling Theo how I feel about him.
“And then you slept with him?” Eve giggles in girlish delight.