Page 55 of Twisted Hearts
I unhook the bra and peel down my panties, stepping out of them to stand in front of him.
“Good girl,” he growls thickly. “Now, go to the bed.”
Oh fuck. Oh fuck.
I turn, shaking a little as I walk toward it.
“On it,” he grunts. “Hands and knees, facing the headboard.”
Jesus Christ.
My skin feels electrified as I obey his demand and climb onto the bed. My face burns hotly as I bend over, fully aware of his eyes on my most intimate places, completely on display for him.
I hear rustling sounds behind me and start to turn my head back.
“Eyes forward, solnishka,” he rasps darkly.
I shiver, whipping my gaze back forward. But I’ve already gotten a glimpse of him—now naked, the sultry lighting etching the grooves of his insanely chiseled body in the shadows.
Illuminating the massive cock between his thighs.
…The one he’s going to fuck me with.
Nervousness and arousal sizzle through my veins as I hear him approach me. He moves into my peripheral vision, and even though I’m still looking forward, my eyes are able to drink in the sight of his lethally hard body.
“Arms out.”
I shift, blushing as I lower my cheek and shoulders to the dark gray duvet and stretch my arms forward. It has the effect of arching my back and thrusting my ass up into the air. Gavan smirks as he grabs something at the head of the bed.
Before I know what’s happening, leather cuffs are clamped around my wrists.
My pulse goes through the roof. But I bite down hard on my lip, shivering as I feel him pull the chain tight that attaches them to the headboard. He strolls lazily around me, and when I feel two more cuffs clamping around each ankle, keeping my legs wide and locking me in place, heat explodes again through my core.
His finger drags down my spine, teasing every vertebra until his palm slides over my ass. He gives it a swat, and I whimper.
“Suchan eager little fuck toy,” he growls, making me moan as his fingers move agonizingly close to my pussy without actually touching me there.
I shift, trying in vain to close my thighs. But there’s no hiding from him with the way I’m chained up.
Gavan chuckles darkly, making a tsking sound.
“Don’t even try hiding how wet you are for me, my little toy.”
This time, he boldly cups my dripping wet pussy. He drags a finger up my slit, and I choke as I gasp in pleasure.
He pauses, and I hear him sigh. “Where are my manners. I offered you a drink and never got it for you.”
I hear him step across the floor. Then the sound of a bottle clinking in ice water, followed by the dull pop of a cork.
“I hope you like champagne.”
I swallow, nodding.
Suddenly, my eyes fly open, a shiver ripping through my body as I feel the ice-cold bubbles of the champagne dribblingright over my pussy. I gasp, arching my back, but helpless to escape it as Gavan pours the cold bubbly in a small river across my ass and my sex. It’s so cold as almost to burn, before suddenly, the temperature radically changes.
…When hismouthdrags up my slit.