Page 81 of Twisted Hearts
This all happened becauseIgot involved with “the enemy”.
Me. Not Cillian. Not Una. Not anyone else in my family. They’ve all been through so fucking much already—all of them—before we’vefinallyreached this place where no one’s trying to hurt anyone, or declare war, or trying to kill each other.
Inotgoing to ruin that and bring violence and that danger back into their lives. And I’m sure ashellnot going to screw up Cillian and Una’s much-deserved, long overdue honeymoon because I chose to get in bed…literally…with Gavan.
Neve’s brow furrows. “Eilish—”
“Look, some asshole tried to grab my purse and I was anidiotbecause I was drunk and tried to fight him off. He hit me, I blacked out, the end.That’s it! I amfine, you guys. It’s fucking New York, okay? This shit happens.”
There’s a cold, white look on Neve’s face as she glances away, like she’s holding something back. Castle frowns uncertainly.
“Castle,” I mutter. “Please.”
His scowl deepens, but finally he nods as he squeezes my hand.
“Okay,okay,” he sighs. “I’ll call Cillian back and tell him he can sit tight.”
Neve watches him leave the room. When he’s gone, she turns back to me, that same white, scared look on her face.
“Neve?” I ask quietly. “What’s—”
“I…I need ask you about something,” she croaks.
I frown. “Okay?”
Her hands twist as she looks at me with a pained expression on her face.
“I wanted to wait until you were awake…”
“Neve, what’s going—”
“I love you, Eilish, you know that, right?”
My brow arches. “I…love you, too?” I smile as her breath hitches and tears spring to her eyes. “Hey, hey! Neve! I’mokay! Look, it was just a mugging. I’m going to be fine—”
“The hospital wants to run a rape kit on you,” she blurts in an anguished voice.
I go still.
“You…” She starts to cry. “I amsofucking sorry, Eilish. You had signs of sexual assault when you were admitted.”
This is going to be awkward.
I chew on my lip as I reach for her hand. “No one assaulted me, Neve.”
“Eilish, you were unconscious. And I amso fucking sorry, but I think you need to—”
“I wasn’t raped, Neve,” I murmur. “I… I had consensual sex ten minutes before I got knocked out.”
The room goes still and quiet. Neve blinks rapidly, her brow furrowing.
“I’m sorry,what?”
I smile weakly. “I…I’ve sort of been seeing someone.”