Page 14 of Harlem
He walks over to where he keeps all his supplies and washes his hands before putting on surgical gloves. Juneau strolls across the room and rolls a stool to the side of the bed while I remain rooted, with Sukie’s foot on my lap.
“Let’s look at your foot,” Juneau says to Sukie, then reaches to touch her but stops and eyes me. “I’m going to need you to move so I can take care of her.”
My lip twitches. Why does the very thought of Juneau touching her piss me off? Reluctantly, I slide Sukie’s foot from my lap. Once out of the way, Juneau positions a lamp over Sukie’s foot and inspects the wound.
“You got yourself a nasty cut. There’s a bit of infection, too.” Without looking at me, Juneau instructs, “Get me the suture kit.”
Following orders, I gather what my brother needs, then take the supplies to him, setting them on a nearby sterile tray table.
“This might sting a little,” Juneau says before the needle pierces Sukie’s skin to numb the wound.
Her hand shoots out, grabbing hold of mine, seeking comfort. I feel a sudden jolt that catches me off guard. My heart races, and the intensity of the sensation momentarily paralyzes me.
Juneau begins to stitch up Sukie’s wound, his hands moving with precision and care as he works to close the gap in her skin.
Our connection is gone as Sukie slowly slips her hand from mine. She looks up at me, her face flushed with embarrassment. “Sorry,” she whispers, then turns her face away.
Juneau clears his throat, and when I glance at him, his eyes are darting between me and Sukie. He raises an eyebrow at me, and that fucking smirk is back. Luckily, he turns his focus around on Sukie. The last thing I need is my brother questioning what he just witnessed. I don’t have a damn clue how to answer him. Not that I would.
“When did this happen?” Juneau questions.
“A few days ago. I stepped on some broken glass.” Sukie stares at the ceiling.
“You should have gone to the doctor,” I grumble.
Sukie sighs. “I can’t afford it.”
“Shit like this is covered by insurance.” My tone is again too harsh, and Sukie stares daggers at me.
“I can’t afford that either.”
Knowing Sukie didn’t seek medical attention because she can’t afford it doesn’t sit right with me. I tighten my hands into fists, focusing on the pressure of my fingernails digging into the flesh of my palms to keep my anger in check.
Juneau glances up at me, then looks back at Sukie. “Well, it’s good that you have the club to help.”
Tears pool in Sukie’s big, beautiful eyes, and the rawness of her emotions threatening to spill causes a pang in my chest.
Juneau places the last stitch, six in all. Finished, he wraps Sukie’s foot in a fresh bandage.
“All right, I’m going to give you a shot of antibiotics, and then you’ll be good to go.” He gets up from his seat, walks over to the cabinet across the room, and returns with a syringe and vial of medicine. “Stand and lower your pants,” Juneau instructs her, and a surge of possessiveness takes over. I step forward, my hand wrapping around his wrist.
Juneau locks eyes with me. “We got a problem, brother?”
I inhale, feeling my nostrils flare, but I say nothing and release my hold on him. Unfazed by my behavior, Juneau returns to Sukie and waits for her. Without thinking, I grab her waist, helping her to find her balance. Sukie shyly undoes the button of her jeans and exposes her rear hip area, then Juneau administers the shot.
“No weight on the foot for at least two weeks, maybe more, depending on how fast it heals.” Juneau begins cleaning his workstation.
“I think my mom has a pair of crutches stowed away in the attic. I’ll look when I get home.” Sukie looks at me because I’m still holding her. “You can, uh, let go now.” I let my hands fall from her waist. “So, can I leave?” She eyes me, then fixates on Juneau as he moves about the room. She wrings her hands together, avoiding eye contact. I make her nervous. She makes me nervous too.
Juneau chuckles. “You’re not a prisoner, Sukie. Despite the mixed signals the beast here gives you.”
A deep-chested growl leaves my body, and it only amuses Juneau more.
Sukie tilts her head, looking at me. “I’d like to go home.”
“I’ll take you.” I quickly scoop Sukie into my arms.
“Harlem. Put. Me. Down.” Sukie’s tone hints at annoyance, but she wraps an arm around my neck as I tote her out of the room. “I’ll get Sage to take me home. She and Juniper are the ones who got me into this mess to start with. They can at least drive me home.”