Page 28 of Harlem
Twenty minutes later, Juniper parks her car down the street from the restaurant. As luck would have it, Sukie and her date are at a table at the front of the restaurant. We have a clear shot of her and her date through the large window that faces the sidewalk.
“Look,” I point. “I see them.”
Sukie’s profile is facing our direction. With her date’s back to us, I can’t get a good look at him.
“We’re too far away,” I tell Juniper. “I can’t read her face.”
Juniper reaches into the back seat, unzips the duffle bag she brought, and pulls something out. “Here.” She hands me a pair of binoculars. I blink several times at my friend. “I truly worry about you sometimes.”
“Shut up.” She smirks, lifting her pair of binoculars. I roll my eyes and follow suit. “Jesus Christ, get a load of this dude.” Juniper tsks.
“Hey, he’s not bad looking,” I say when I see him turn his head.
“Poor Sukie. She looks bored out of her mind.”
Juniper is right. Sukie looks bored to tears.
“What if Harlem doesn’t show?” I ask. “We should rescue her.”
“Are you kidding me? Did you see Harlem’s face when we told him about Sukie going on a date? There is no way that man will not crash their date.” Juniper giggles. “I almost feel sorry for this dude.”
I’m just about to open my mouth to agree when suddenly, my view of the restaurant is obstructed by a looming presence. I slowly lower the binoculars. Ash is standing at Juniper’s car door. He bends at the waist.
“Damn.” Juniper sighs.
Ash motions for Juniper to put the window down.
“Hi, babe.” I wave like I haven’t just been caught doing something I know I shouldn’t be.
Ash crosses his arms over his chest and admonishes me with a single look.
“I told you to leave your phone at my place so he couldn’t track your location,” Juniper hisses.
“I did!”
“I don’t need my woman’s phone to know where she is,” Ash grunts.
Juniper asks, “Then how did you know we’d be here?”
“One.” Ash holds up a finger. “I knew you two would be up to no damn good when you ratted your friend out.” He holds up a second finger. “Two, I have a tracker on your car.”
“What!” Juniper screeches. “You put a tracker on my car? When?”
“Fuck yeah, I put a tracker on your car. Anyone with my woman and child riding in their car has a tracker,” Ash admits with zero apologies.
“You’re crazy,” Juniper huffs.
“That may be, but when it comes to the safety of my family, I’ll do whatever is necessary. It also helps me track down my woman and her best friend when they decide to do some crazy shit like this.”
“We just wanted—”
Ash cuts me off. “You’re pokin’ your noses where they don’t belong.”
“Whatever,” I grumble.
“The two of you turn around and go home,” Ash orders.
“But—” Juniper tries to protest.