Page 47 of Harlem
I hold my hand up to stop her from finishing whatever she was about to say. “No!”
Mom sighs. “Fine.” Then she kisses my cheek. “Goodnight, Sukie.”
I watch Mom disappear into her room and shut the door before I go about my nightly routine. In the bathroom, I wash my face, brush my teeth, and slip on a pair of sleep shorts and a tee. I shouldn’t still feel nervous, considering I spent the night with Luca last night at his place, but I am. It’s different because this house is my sanctuary. This is my safe place from all the evil and bullshit I run from daily. It’s not easy letting new people into my safe space.
Pushing those thoughts away, I open the bathroom door to find Luca in nothing but his boxer briefs beside my bed. All the air leaves my lungs at the sight of his powerful body taking up space in my room. I can’t help but stand frozen in place as I let my eyes travel the length of his body. Luca has to be more than six feet tall. My gaze starts at his bare feet and travels up past his powerful-looking thighs, the sexy V that disappears into his briefs, over his well-defined abs, his broad chest, and finally lands on his handsome face. I find a pair of intense eyes, which are currently boring into me as I admire his body.
“Come here, Sukie,” he orders, his tone low.
Like he’s a beacon, I go straight to him.
“Give me your mouth, baby, so we can get some shut eye.”
Smiling, I go up to my toes and kiss him. Luca takes over, brushing his tongue across my lips. God, the man is intoxicating.
Luca is the first to break the spell as he pulls away and rests his forehead against mine. “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful.”
I peer at him through my lashes and examine how tired he looks. Whatever today’s events were, they have taken their toll on him.
“You look exhausted.” I start to rub his temples.
He closes his eyes and lets out a low groan. “I’m fuckin’ beat.”
“Let’s go to bed, then.”
Luca nods and goes to cut the light off while I crawl into bed. A moment later, the sheets rustle as he settles in beside me, wraps his arm around my middle, and pulls me back against his chest.
“Night, baby.”
“Good night, Luca.”
I take back my earlier thoughts. Having Luca here feels normal. Being in Luca’s arms feels like home.
I wake to the smell of bacon. I reach over and find the space where Sukie should be empty. I rise from the bed, toss on yesterday’s clothes, and find my way to the bathroom to take care of business. I use a bottle of mouthwash sitting on the counter to freshen my breath before splashing my face with cold water. I roll my shoulders, trying to loosen the tension from the muscles with no luck, and the headache I went to bed with the night before still lingers.
I’m a walking time bomb with the level of stress and anger I have swimming inside my body. My father is determined that I will leave Salem and return to New York. There’s no questioning his resolve on the matter. When my father wants something, he will cross any line we draw to get it. He will cause problems for the club, and that is killing me.
I sigh and stare at my reflection in the mirror. I’ve known death will come for me. The question is, will he visit me sooner rather than later? I focus on the man in the mirror. He bears the uncanny likeness of the devil but wears a Fallen Ravens cut rather than a thousand-dollar suit. Like it or not, I can’t deny the similarities. My father is ruthless. He knows how to play high-stakes poker with the enemy, and right now, the club is standing in his way of winning the game. We are the enemy.
Knock knock.
“Luca?” Sukie’s soft voice pulls me back from sinking deeper into my thoughts.
I open the door to the most beautiful woman I’ve laid eyes on. To make it even better, she’s mine. I grab her at the waist and lift her off the floor. Sukie’s arms wrap around my neck, and I cover her mouth with mine. I hold her tight while our tongues dance together in a wild frenzy. Her kiss tastes like sugar and cinnamon, with a hint of vanilla—sweet and intoxicating. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of wanting her.
Sukie’s legs wrap over my hips as I press her back against the hallway wall, the heat between us building rapidly. I pull back, stare into her eyes, and see my future looking back at me. She walked into my life like she always belonged there and lit a fire in my soul. Sukie doesn’t want to save me. She accepts me for who I am: a sinner—one of the fallen. She isn’t afraid to love the monster inside the man.
Sukie smiles like she knows what I’m thinking. I’m awestruck that she’s mine.
“I’m a lucky son of a bitch,” I confess.
Sukie caresses my cheek, and I lean into her touch.
“Not nearly as lucky as me.” Her eyes shine bright with the truth of her words.