Page 28 of Winter at Stonefire
A tear did escape then, and Kaylee brushed it away. "I'm sorry."
Finn handed her a tissue, and she took it. He said, "No more apologies, lass. Now, we need to discuss your future. You have two choices at this point—stay on Lochguard and we'll find dragon's blood donors to help you. Layla will probably have the best recommendation as to who, or Dr. Sid will. The other option is to go to Snowridge for the duration of your pregnancy and Maelon will provide you with dragon's blood. The latter is slightly better for you and the bairn, but only by a little."
Still not looking at Maelon, Kaylee asked, "Will I be able to keep the baby? Or willhetry to take it?"
Maelon spoke up. "I have no desire to raise children. I will provide assistance, if you need it. But I won't try to get custody."
Kaylee finally looked at Maelon. His face was unreadable, although his pupils flashed rapidly. Before she could think better of it, she blurted, "What's your dragon saying?"
It was bad manners to ask, but she didn't care. Given how he'd been an asshole earlier, he couldn't expect her to be all kind and polite, as if nothing had happened.
Her sister might say she should try. But when Kaylee's temper started to show, it usually didn't bode well for anyone.
And given how Maelon glanced away from her, it definitely stoked her temper.
He looked at the wall as he replied, "That's private."
Rhydian growled. "Bloody hell, Maelon. What's wrong with you? I know you don't care for social niceties, but this female carries your child. You could try a little harder."
Finn's steely voice made Kaylee blink since her clan leader rarely lost his good humor. "I'm not sure I want Kaylee to go anywhere if this is how you're going to treat her."
The tension in the room was thick, and having lived with dragon-shifters for a while now, Kaylee knew that if she didn't do something, things would go south. Fast.
She stood, grateful that she was steady on her feet, and stated, "I have a question for you, Dr. Perry."
His eyes finally met hers, his gaze intent, and it reminded her of when they'd first met.
Not wanting to go down that road—yes, sex with him had been great but didn't matter any longer—she continued, "Why me? Of all the people there, why did you pick me?"
For a second, she thought he wouldn't answer. Then he said quietly, "You're so full of life. I couldn't resist it."
His answer made her pause. Normally, when not struggling with nausea and carrying a dragon's baby, she was more carefree and playful. She was the one asking to slide down a dragon's side like a slide or picking flowers to make into a crown or even laying in the grass to stare up at the stars and make up her own constellations, complete with stories.
Not backing down now, she asked, "Why couldn't you resist?"
Maelon still stared at her, his pupils flashing to slits and back, before he said, "My childhood ended early, and I had to grow up quickly. That night, you made me feel as if I could let go and have fun, uncaring about any responsibilities for once. That's why."
For a few beats, there was no one else in the room but the two of them. She wanted to ask him what had happened, why he didn't let go sometimes, or why he'd turned into the icicle of a man compared to before.
But then Maelon cleared his throat and looked away again, quickly as if burned.
Maybe it was stupid and she'd come to regret it. However, she wanted the chance to get to know him better. For the sake of her baby, of course. That's what mattered.
Okay, and maybe a teeny, tiny bit for herself.
"I want to go to Snowridge until the baby is born, provided you agree to two conditions."
Rhydian asked, "Which are?"
"Dr. Perry is required to have two meals with me each week, at a place of my choosing."
Rhydian frowned. "As long as it's cleared with my Protectors, that should be fine. What's the other?"
"I want to work with the children on Snowridge while I'm there. I need to keep busy, or I'll go crazy."
Rhydian frowned, but Delaney—who currently sat in his lap—answered before her mate, "I think that's brilliant. The more humans the kids are exposed to, the better."
Since the doctor hadn't said anything, she tested out his first name. "Maelon? Do you agree?"