Page 4 of Winter at Stonefire
Gregor nodded. "Aye, I think so. Tristan has asked about it, but with all the doctors coming this time, the DDA wouldn't allow more dragon-shifters to gather in one place for a week."
Chase replied, "To even have this many in one spot is progress. Although at the rate Stonefire keeps poaching our clan members, there might not be many of us left to visit."
Layla knew her mate was teasing, and she lightly bumped against his side. "It's not that many. Besides, Lochguard should be welcoming a few from Northcastle soon. And maybe even Glenlough, one day."
Ever since Adrian Conroy had become clan leader of Northcastle in Northern Ireland, he'd been making a lot of changes. His clan also served as a kind of liaison between the Irish dragon clans and the British ones. Well, mostly. True, Aaron Caruso—who was originally from Stonefire—had mated the clan leader of Glenlough. But the other three Irish dragon clans were a wee bit wary of the UK ones.
Her dragon spoke up.It'll take time. But our primary concern should be the doctors. The sooner we settle everything for the day, the sooner we can snuggle with Chase.
If the lads fall asleep. Caelan will fuss, to no end.
Her beast grunted.I still say take up Stonefire's offer and have someone watch them. We deserve a wee break with our mate.
Layla wanted to. And yet, her two lads were wee miracles she treasured every chance she could. Because of her health, Layla couldn't have any more bairns. Which meant this was the only time she'd experience her children growing up.
Her dragon said softly,One night will be fine. Of course I love our lads. But we need to take care of ourselves too.
Now you're sounding like Chase.
Her beast sniffed.If I push you to look after yourself first, then his dragon won't get the chance.
Layla nearly smiled.It's not always a competition.
Of course it is.
Chase leaned over and whispered, "What's your dragon saying now?"
Caelan said, "Dragon. Dragon. Dragon?"
She smiled at her mate. "Whispering means nothing if your son is right here."
Sid walked over and opened her arms. "Let me carry him a bit. You two drove all the way from Lochguard and deserve at least a few minutes of rest." Not waiting for an answer, Sid looked over her shoulder. "Gregor?"
Before Layla knew it, the pair had a lad in each of their arms. Maybe she could've protested, but Sid was hard to argue with.
Besides, as she sank against Chase's side and breathed in his comforting scent, she realized how much she needed a few minutes alone with him. Especially since she'd soon have to face all the doctors, most of whom were stubborn. Sid and Gregor might be the hosts, but they all had to speak up and contribute. Otherwise, the meeting wouldn't be that useful.
As soon as Sid, Gregor, and her sons were a few feet away, Chase hugged her against her side. "You'll be brilliant this week, love."
"I know. It's just going to be busy. And it's only the second time I've left Alex in charge of the clan whilst I was away."
Chase kissed her forehead. "He did fine when you came down to help with Percy, aye?"
"I know, but—"
"Ssh, lass. Stop worrying. Besides, I know how much you enjoy talking to the other doctors. This should be like a doctor party, aye? Maybe you need some little skeleton necklaces to wear, a hat with surgery tools tucked in the ribbon around it, or how about a cake shaped like a cock?"
Layla laughed. "Why a penis and not a vagina?"
He waggled his eyebrows. "Do both, and then you can do a wee cake demonstration on how bairns are made."
Trying not to laugh, she lightly hit his side. "Don't be ridiculous, aye?"
"I still say it'd be a way to liven up the meetings."
She laughed again and then stopped, turned, and put her arms around Chase's neck. "Despite your ridiculousness sometimes, I love you."
His pupils flashed to slits and back. "I love you too, lass. And maybe later, we can do a little demonstration of our own, and I can show you just how much."