Page 42 of Risky Desires
Sean nodded. “Carefully, yes. What were you thinking?”
“Her ex will eventually connect you to me. That’s my hope, anyway. But since he’s a politician, he’ll try to bring the cops into it. I want her moved somewhere else, so he has no shot at forcing her to leave with him. Ramirez has agreed to shelter her in his compound. There has been nothing official tying him to me or Dmitriy yet, so it’s the safest place for her.”
Viktor dipped his chin in agreement. “I will meet her there. When will you move her?”
“We’re moving Rosie already?” Jo came bustling into the room, a tray of food in her hand. She was the first one to notice I was awake, and she smiled at me. “Good morning. How are you feeling?”
All eyes swung toward me, and I shrank into the pillows. I was obviously eavesdropping, but no one said anything about it.
“Oh, did I wake you?” Sean asked, tipping his head.
I shook my head quickly, clutching the blankets tightly.
“?????. Are you okay with our plan?”
Jerking to face the laptop, I shot him a surprised look. He was asking my opinion?
Jo frowned. “What plan?”
“We’re moving you and Rosie to the Ramirez compound for the time being. It’s safer and–”
“Hold on.” Jo interrupted Liam, spinning around to glare at him. “What do you mean,meand Rosie? I’m not going anywhere.”
Liam gave her a flat look. “You’ll go where I tell you. That asshole has connections. I don’t want them falling back on you. You’ll be safe at Mariana’s place until I can get a handle on–”
For the most part, since I met Jo, she’s been smiling and happy. She never struck me as an intimidating person. But when Liam suggested sending her away, her cheerful demeanor disappeared, and she almost seemed to radiate dangerous energy. Her eyes widened and her chin went up, daring for Liam to argue with her.
“There isn’t a chance in hell that I’m letting you send me away, Liam. You don’t think the cops showing up and finding your wife missing wouldn’t be seen as a red flag?”
He made an irritated noise. “You’re on vacation. They don’t care–”
She crossed her arms over her chest, glaring daggers at him. “Maybe that would work in another situation, but if they’re looking for a missing woman and your wife just happens to be on vacation, they’re going to draw conclusions and possibly take you in on some bullshit pretense that you took Rosie to get payback for her ex hurting Sean. No. I agree that sending her to Mariana’s is safer, so they can’t get to her, but you’ll have to tie me up and gag me to get me to leave. I’m staying.”
Her tone was final, and Liam was furious. He pushed off the door frame, moving to stand directly in front of her. My pulse pounded in my ears, and I watched, terrified, as Jo stared down her seething husband.
He didn't react in violence, though. He ground his teeth, scowling at her, but eventually he relented. “Sometimes, you’re too fucking smart.”
She smirked. “You’re just mad because I’m right.”
He narrowed his eyes, his hand gripping the back of her neck to draw her against him. “Fine. If you want to stay so bad, then you’re staying next to me. I don’t take chances with you. You’ll be in the same room as me at all times. Understood?”
She pursed her lips, raising an eyebrow. “Does that mean I can’t have privacy when I use the bathroom?”
He didn’t take the bait, his grip tightening until her face was an inch from his. She didn’t pull away, leaning into it with her hands on his chest.
“Answer me, Josephine.”
A grin pulled at her lips, and it looked like she wanted to argue. She hesitated just long enough to make him growl before she gave in. “Fine. Attached at the hip. I get it. I guess that means you’ll have to join me for a shower later.”
That pulled a wicked grin from him. He kissed her lightly before releasing her. “Consider it a date. I’m going to call Ramirez and let him know we’re going ahead with the plan. Help your friend get ready, and I’ll join you when I’m through.”
When he left the room, Jo watched him go, a smile on her face. She spun around to face us, pausing when she noticed we were all watching her. Her face flushed, and she scowled.
Sean snorted. “Sometimes it still surprises me just how much you’ve got him wrapped around your finger. If it was anyone else, he would’ve gone with the tying up and gagging plan.”
She snickered. “Yeah, well, when he ties me up, he doesn’t exactly have walking away in mind.”