Page 44 of Risky Desires
“It is alright, ?????. You are safe.”
And for the first time since Carson showed back up, I fully believed that. Because Viktor made me feel safe. And I trusted him.
Since I was unwilling to move away from the circle of his arms, Viktor eventually scooped me up. He cradled me against his chest as Mariana and her husband led us upstairs to a guest room. Like downstairs, it was all exposed beams and hardwood floors, with massive windows and a door that led to a sizable balcony. There was a fireplace against one wall, with a TV above it that I thought was a painting until the image changed. The bed was king sized, with a four poster wrought-iron frame. When Viktor laid me on top of it, I actually sank into the fluffy bedding, it was so soft.
“The bathroom is through this door. Fully stocked whenever you need it. I went shopping earlier and picked up a few outfits for you, since I figured you probably didn't have a lot with you. They’re in here.” She gestured to a dresser off to one side. “Anything else you need, just let me know. Jo said you had breakfast, so I’ll give you some time to rest. I’m making posole for lunch. I hope you like it.”
Her husband led her out of the room with a hand on her lower back, shutting the door quietly behind him. Once he was gone, I shifted and reached for Viktor again. He sat beside me on the bed, leaning over to wrap himself around me.
“I was worried for you. I am glad you arrived safely.”
I nodded as best I could with my face buried against him. “I’m okay.”
Hearing me say that must’ve been what he was waiting for, because the tension slowly left his body and he let out a long breath. When I tugged his shirt, he shuffled lower until he was laying down next to me. I’d never been the one to initiate, but I couldn’t help myself from leaning closer and pressing my lips against his. He responded instantly, his hand sliding into my hair as he rolled us so that I was lying on my back. He was still just as gentle as I remembered, but a little more urgent this time. I felt it too, that insistent need to be close to him, and when he pulled away, I chased him.
His chuckle against my lips made my heart skip a beat. “?????, you are supposed to be resting. I am not going anywhere.”
When I opened my eyes, he was smiling softly at me. I tugged on his shirt, leaning to press my forehead against his.
“I thought I’d never see you again.”
He exhaled sharply, wrapping his arms around me. “I had no such fear.” When I leaned back to frown at him, his expression went dark. “I was going to find you, ?????. Even if I had to rip apart the city.”
The knowledge that he’d stop at nothing to find me warmed me from my middle, and when I pressed my lips against his, he didn’t push me away.
We stayed that way, wrapped around each other, for who knows how long. He didn’t move an inch away from me, even when I fell asleep against his chest, lulled into relaxing by his steady heartbeat. When I woke up, he was still there, looking at something on his phone.
“Did… Did you need to work or something? I don’t want to keep you.”
As much as I trusted him, I still struggled to carry my voice higher than a whisper. Since we were still so close, he didn’t seem to have any trouble hearing me.
“No, I am fine. I was just checking in. Koslov has been causing trouble with our supply. We are working on a way to draw him out to end his meddling.”
I didn’t know anything about that, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to. While they all admitted that they weren’t on the right side of the law, I preferred to remain ignorant for now. I was already scared. I didn't need to add to it.
“Will they need you to go back tonight?”
He twisted so that he could see me better, cupping my cheek in his big hand. “Nothing will take me from your side, ?????. I will leave this place when it is safe for you to return with me. No sooner.”
Tears gathered in my eyes and I leaned my face into his palm, soaking in his comforting words. I had no idea how long we had. I was certain he had to go back to his work eventually, but since he promised to take me with him, I let go of the fear of him walking away. Viktor wouldn’t do that. I could relax with him.
* * *
Mariana came to get us for lunch not long later. I could walk just fine on my own, but Viktor didn’t seem to want to let me. He carried me downstairs like a princess, and I couldn’t erase the smile on my face even if I wanted to.
“I figured we could eat outside, since it’s so nice out. The chairs are softer out here anyway.”
She led us to a patio dining area. Unlike most patios that I’d seen, this one had a roof over it, big arches leading to the probably Olympic-sized pool, and a bar off to one side. The seats were comfortable though, and we still got plenty of fresh air and a beautiful view, without sweltering in the sun.
“What’s that?” I pointed to what looked like a smaller version of their house across the yard.
Mariana glanced at it and smiled. “That’s the in-law suite. We’re trying to convince my mama Carmen to move here so she isn’t working so hard. Mateo had the suite built to entice her here.”
“Not that it is working. She is stubborn like you, mi amor.” Mateo came out with a platter in his hands, putting it in the center of the table.
Mariana rolled her eyes. “You hush. She likes her independence. She still said she'd stay a while once the baby was born.”
I could see why Mariana liked him. Mateo Ramirez was one of the prettiest men I’d ever seen. He looked like he walked out of a magazine, with his thick inky black hair and his mischievous grin. He wasn’t as good looking as Viktor, but he was charming, and seemed enamored with his wife. Whenever she wasn’t looking, he only had eyes for her.