Page 51 of Risky Desires
At one point, someone must’ve started asking Carson questions, because I heard him shouting from outside the room. I almost went into a panic attack, staring at the door. Officer Newport assured me he wasn’t allowed in here and that he was being taken to an interrogation room so that they could ask him more questions.
By the time they finally let me leave, it was late afternoon. We got there just before lunch and hours had gone by since then. Officer Newport led me outside, his expression reassuring. I saw a few times where it looked like he was going to lose his temper. His lip twitched when he heard about Carson throwing dishes at me when dinner wasn’t made how he wanted it. And his hands clenched into fists when I recounted Carson dragging me out of the cemetery by my hair. I went to visit my parent’s graves and forgot I was supposed to meet him. But he never let his anger show, keeping his voice calm.
“Okay, Rosalie. I know today was rough on you, and we’ve got a long way to go, but we’ve now got your emergency restraining order, so if he comes near you, you’re allowed to call the police. And we’ve got everything you need for court, so you can make that permanent. The divorce will be harder, you’ll probably want a lawyer when it comes to someone like him, but we’re going to do everything we can to help you feel safe. Alright?”
The fresh air hitting my face almost made me drop to my knees in relief. I’d had so many outcomes in my head, but I never saw it going in my favor.
“And Sean?” Gabi asked.
The officer nodded. “Doctor O’Connor will be released on bail. The kidnapping charges are being dropped, but that doesn’t change the fact that he assaulted Mr Shelby. It’ll probably be brought to court, but considering he has multiple witnesses that it was self defense, he shouldn’t be given time for that. That’s above my paygrade, though. The courts will work it all out.”
He pulled a card out of his pocket, handing it to me. “You gave me a lot of evidence, but if you can think of anything else or you’re worried about something, feel free to give me a call. I’m on your side. I want you to feel safe.”
I took it, forcing a small smile, before Viktor led me back to the car, his hand on my back. Gabi climbed into the front seat, giving Viktor the ability to sit in the back with me. Dmitriy was behind the wheel, his phone against his ear, but he pulled away without waiting, and I finally let out a breath.
“You did well, ?????. I am proud of you.”
Leaning against him,I shut my eyes. Even though all we did was talk, I was more exhausted than I'd ever been. My whole body felt drained.
“He is right. O’Connor called just as you came out. His brother has been released on bail and is headed home now.”
Which meant that even if I couldn’t get a permanent restraining order or a divorce, it was all worth it because Sean was free. I fought back a wave of tears, burying my face against Viktor’s arm. He cupped my head, running his fingers through my hair, and the drive was blissfully quiet the entire way back.
We decided to go back to Dmitriy’s tower, since it was the closest. With traffic, it still took a minute to get there, but I didn't mind. It gave me a minute to rest after such a terrifying experience. I knew there was more I had to do to be completely free of Carson, but at least now he couldn’t say I was crazy.
Dmitriy’s phone rang when we were down the block from the tower. He answered it, keeping his eyes on the road.
While he listened to the other end, Gabi turned around in her seat and smiled at me. “Jo and the others should be on their way. I know you’re probably tired, so don’t feel you need to be social. We just figured you’d feel better if you weren’t all alone.”
I was going to nod, I’d heard their plans last night, and it did make me feel a little better not to have a quiet apartment waiting for me after going through every trauma in my marriage in detail. But Dmitriy’s growl made me jump, and he slammed on the brakes hard.
Gabi shot him a wide-eyed look as he started speaking in Russian too fast for either of us to keep up. Even though I could only see his profile from the back seat, he looked furious, his teeth bared and the knuckles on his free hand going white on the steering wheel.
“Dmitriy, what’s wrong?”
Gabi rubbed his arm, trying to soothe her husband, and Viktor sat forward, waiting for information. They worked together, after all.
He hung up, squeezing his phone so tight that I swore I heard it crack. “Koslov, that stupid bastard. He is attempting to hijack my import.” He glanced at Viktor in the rear-view mirror. “He has not yet noticed he is being watched. If we get there fast enough, we can finally end him.”
Viktor nodded, but then his eyes flicked to me and he frowned. “What about the girls?”
Dmitriy started driving again, glaring out the window. “Vlad and Yuri should be waiting for them. We will drop them off and they will be well guarded until we return.”
Yuri’s name being mentioned made my stomach twist uncomfortably, but I kept my mouth shut. Viktor had more important things to be worrying about than my discomfort around his friend. Besides, Gabi would be there and soon, so would the rest of the women I now called friends. Being with them would help a lot.
We pulled up in front of the building, and Dmitriy turned to face his wife. “Go inside and wait for me. No bullying Yuri for information. I will be home soon.”
She leaned to capture his lips in a kiss so passionate it made me blush. I jerked my gaze away, looking at Viktor. He cupped my cheek, kissing my forehead lightly. It wasn’t intense like Gabi’s, but it warmed me almost as much as a crazy, intense kiss would have.
“Go. We will be back soon.”
We both stepped out of the car, waving goodbye. They only waited long enough to see Vlad and Yuri headed our way before they sped off. I watched them go, my heart in my throat. I hated that he had to go so soon.