Page 56 of Risky Desires
We broke out into a run, racing for Yuri’s car. He grabbed the door, throwing the seat forward and shoving us both in before shutting the door behind him and pulling out his gun. Gabi cried out, watching as her brother-in-law squared off with our attacker.
“Give me an excuse. I dare you,” Yuri growled.
“You think I cannot take you?” The man’s tone was threatening, but Yuri looked just as intimidating, his face dark and half hidden in shadows.
“Tell your boss that I have them. Tell him to meet me at the construction site. We will decide who will win them there.”
There was a loaded pause. I kept waiting for someone to shoot, but the man must’ve agreed because Yuri started moving around the back of the car until he could drop into his seat. He didn't even wait to buckle before he took off.
“Yuri! What were you thinking?” Gabi shouted.
He scowled. “I’m thinking we need to end this.” He poked roughly at the display on the dashboard, calling Dmitriy. He didn’t even let him fully answer before he started barking orders at him.
“I have them. Meet me at the construction site. We’ve got incoming.”
“On my way,” Dmitriy growled. “??????? ????”
Gabi let out a sob, nodding her head. “I’m here.”
He muttered something and I could hear the relief in his voice. “Are you well?”
“Yes. Rosie took care of me. I’m okay.”
He sighed. “Okay. I will be there soon. Stay with Yuri.”
She didn’t mention Yuri’s plan, and he didn’t stay on the phone long enough to give her a chance. He started barking orders and hung up, leaving us alone with the man who gave the bad guys our exact meet up location.
We pulled up in front of a locked gate in front of a construction site. It looked like they were building another tower or something, but it was all steel frames and machines, no walls yet. Yuri got out long enough to snap the lock before driving inside and parking in one corner. He turned around and looked directly at me.
“You are the one who is good at hiding. Can you hide Gabi for me? Somewhere close so we can get to you if we need to, but out of the way, so you two don't get hurt. Can you do that?”
Frowning, I looked around the site. There were a few places that might be good options, but I doubted I had the time to scout the area. When Yuri lifted his eyebrows, I nodded.
He helped us out of the car, shooing us towards the construction site. It felt really unsafe to be wandering around here in the dark, but the alternative would be to wait in the car, and that didn’t feel any safer.
Lights from the surrounding area gave us enough illumination to keep our footing as we crept along in the dark. We found a spot behind a pallet of drywall and crouched behind it, close enough where we could still see and hear everything but far enough to hide.
“Here?” I whispered.
Gabi nodded. “Here’s good. Look, that’s Dmitriy and Viktor’s cars.”
We watched a large SUV and a sleek sports car come barreling into the site. Both cars slammed on their brakes and the drivers stepped out while they were still rocking to a stop.
“Where the hell is she?” Dmitriy demanded.
“Hiding,” Yuri replied. He yelped as Dmitriy grabbed him by the hair, grimacing as he struggled to get the words out. “It was the only way I could get them away. The asshole was pointing his gun at my damn car where they were hiding. It’s not bulletproof! I had to get him to back off. He probably followed us here, so do you want to get ready for their arrival, or do you want to kick my ass?”
Dmitriy tossed him away with a growl. “I will kick your ass later. Where are they? They can hide in Viktor’s–”
There was no time for that. Someone appeared in the entrance to the construction site and Viktor lunged forward, knocking Dmitriy out of the way. All three pulled out their weapons, hiding behind cars and machines for cover.
Ducking lower, Gabi and I covered our ears. It was loud. The noises of the gunshots seemed to echo throughout the site. I had my eyes squeezed shut, waiting for the noise to stop, when Gabi’s presence next to me vanished. My eyes shot open just as the man who had agreed to meet Yuri here started dragging her away.
He had her by the hair, and she couldn’t get away. There was an opening in the fence that I hadn’t noticed behind us and a car was waiting. If he got Gabi in that car, he’d hurt her. Ignoring the alarm bells in my head, I raced after them, grabbing the man’s arm that was holding Gabi’s hair. The only thing I could think to do was sink my teeth into his wrist. He shouted and dropped her, backhanding me hard enough that I saw stars and landed on my back.