Page 38 of Harboring Shantae
But who?
There weren't many people in her life, only those she met through Camron, and how weird would it be to ask one of them to spend time with her? All of his friends' wives were nice, but she didn't think they were on “girls’ night” terms. Yet, what other choice did she have?
None. Plain and simple. So she could either suck it up and ask one of them, or she could continue to suffer and probably do something inappropriate.
The answer was easy. She just needed Camron's phone to contact Trista.
Finding Camron was easy.
How she found him wasn't.
Shirtless and dripping with sweat did nothing to help her libido. In fact, she contemplated licking the sweat off his nipples like it was ice cream.
"Did you need something? You looked like you were on a mission."
Panther's question pulled her from her fantasies.
"Uh, yeah. Yes, I do. I need you to call Trista." She stumbled through her request. "I need you to call her and see about a ladies' night."
"A ladies' night?"
"Yes. Her house, or wherever she wants it to be is fine. I just need time with a woman."
"O ... kay."
Panther was giving her a strange look. The kind where people thought the person suddenly sprouted an extra head or some weird shit.
What he didn't do was argue though, much to her relief. He pulled his phone out of the armband and shot off a quick text.
Barely thirty seconds later, the phone was beeping with a response.
"So, what did she say?"
"Come over any time; she will kick Falcon to the curb for the evening."
Well, now she felt slightly bad. She didn't want to be a hindrance to anyone. Falcon was nice to her despite his normally grumpy attitude. Hell, he encouraged her to tell him to fuck off. How many people did that? And this was how she was going to repay him for it?
"I can see Trista's answer bothered you, so trust me when I say, don't let it."
It was slightly irritating just how well Camron could read her. She needed a better poker face if she was going to survive living with him.
"If Trista didn't want you over, then she would've said it, and if Falcon had a problem being kicked out, she wouldn't have offered."
Shantae was going to have to take him at his word. She needed this time away. If anything, she would just apologize to Trista and Falcon when she got there.
She avoided Camron as much as she could the rest of the day. Thankfully, there were no more instances where she had to be tempted by his naked chest. It was a shame that such a perfectly sculpted body was being covered up, but it was for the best. She couldn't act on her urges. Not while he was resistant to the idea.
Thirty minutes. That's how long ago she arrived at Trista's house and already the two of them had polished off a bottle of wine.
No words needed to be exchanged. It was as if Trista understood her need to jump right in.
"Okay, spill. Something is obviously bothering you, and it's probably best to get it out before we both get too wasted."
"Nothing's bothering me. I just needed time with someone other than Camron for a few hours."
Trista wasn't buying it. It was written all over her face. She was calling bullshit without actually saying the words. It was a talent Shantae wanted to learn because it had her cracking within seconds.
"Okay, fine. Nothing is wrongper se."