Page 41 of Harboring Shantae
"Why, what's wrong?"
Were they being called out? No, that couldn't be it. If they were, then his phone would have pinged as well, and the thing was surprisingly quiet over on the counter.
"Trista just texted me. Time to go pick up your girl. She's sloshed. My wife's words, not mine."
Panther tossed his cards onto the table. Pushing his chair back, he didn't wait for Falcon to join him as he grabbed his phone and keys and headed out to his SUV.
He wanted to see Shantae more than he cared to admit. Now that it was like a lightbulb had gone off in his head, he was eager to talk to her. Even if it wouldn't be a deep conversation, just hearing her voice would be enough.
Walking into Falcon's house, however, had him changing that perspective pretty quickly. Shantae and Trista were laughing. Loudly. So loud that he wasn't sure how the neighbors hadn't called the cops for a noise complaint.
"Jesus Christ," Falcon groaned. "How much did they fucking drink?"
The two of them stomped in the direction the giggles were coming from.
"Well, hey there, big boy," Trista slurred when they entered the kitchen. "You're just in time for the festivities to start!"
"And what festivities might those be, wife?"
Trista walked over in what Panther could only imagine was her attempt at a sexy runway walk. It looked more like a baby deer trying to stand for the first time.
"You." She pointed at Falcon. "Me. Some rope. A vibrator and that new toy ..."
Falcon clamped his large palm over her mouth, effectively cutting off the rest of what he was sure would've been a very enlightening perspective into Falcon and Trista's sex life.
"That's enough of that." Falcon shook his head. "I think the two of you've had enough for one night. Say bye to Shantae so I can take you up to bed."
"Bye, Shantae!" Trista's singsong voice floated behind her as Falcon escorted her out of the room. "My husband's gonna take advantage of me and I'm gonna love it."
Panther shook his head. "I think that's our cue to leave before things start getting loud around here."
Shantae also resembled a baby deer trying to walk. The short journey out to his SUV consisted of more giggling, a whole lot of stumbling, and the occasional brush of her hand across his abs as she tried to steady herself.
It was sweet torture.
"Have I told you how pretty you are?" she slurred. Her doe eyes looked up at him as he tried to help her into the passenger seat.
"I don't think anyone has ever called me pretty," he laughed. "You would be the first."
Drunk Shantae was fun. He wondered just how much of this she would remember in the morning.
"Someone really should've 'cause you are. Especially those eyes. I love your eyes ..."
"Well, thank you." He smiled.
Reaching for the seat belt, he strapped her in and shut the door. He let out a deep breath before jogging back over to the driver's side.
Panther needed to get her home and put to bed before she did something she would regret. Complimenting his eyes was probably something she would regret later; he didn't want to add anything more to that list.
The drive home was relatively quiet. At one point, he thought she fell asleep. That was until they pulled into the driveway and she sighed.
"I love this house. It's so charming and perfect for a big family."
He could see it. Children running around the front yard. Bikes lining the walkway and toys scattered about. He and Shantae sitting on the porch watching their kids play. How quickly he had abandoned the idea of staying a bachelor forever.
"I think it's time I get you into that house and tucked into bed."
He climbed out and rushed to her side of the vehicle before she could open the door and fall out. Slipping one arm over his shoulders, he guided her up the walkway.