Page 43 of Harboring Shantae
Whydidherheadhurt so badly?
Shantae slowly rolled to the side to glance at what time it was, but instead of an alarm clock on her nightstand, there was a bottle of water, three white pills, and a note.
This wasn't her room.
Despite the pounding in her head, Shantae pushed herself up and took a look around. This had to be Camron's room. It was all dark wood and sleek lines. Exactly what she would expect from him. It fit his personality perfectly.
But why was she in Camron's bed?
Shantae racked her brain for what happened the night before. She remembered being sexually frustrated and needing a night out of the house. Trista had graciously allowed her to go to her house for a girls' night.
Copious amounts of wine.
That was the reason for the shooting pain throughout her temples. But it didn't explain why she was in Camron's room.
With as little movement as possible, she reached for the note.
This should help with the pain. I will be back with breakfast shortly.
Short and sweet, but it did nothing to tell her what happened. Snagging the pills, she plopped them on her tongue and washed them down with a big gulp of the water. Thankfully, they opted for wine and not liquor. Wine only gave her a headache. Liquor would've had her kissing the porcelain god.
Ugh. Her mouth was dry and her teeth felt fuzzy. She desperately needed to brush her teeth. The need to feel clean outweighed her pounding head, so she dragged herself out of Camron's bed. It wasn't until her feet hit the floor that she realized she wasn't wearing the same clothes she had on last night. Nope, the large shirt that came about mid-thigh wasn't hers and it smelled suspiciously like Camron.
It was imperative she started to remember what happened last night. She stumbled into Camron's en suite bathroom, and sitting right there on the vanity was her toothbrush. The man really did think of everything.
By the time she walked back out of the bathroom, she felt a million times better, and Camron was waiting for her with a breakfast tray, topped with juice and what looked to be homemade waffles.
"How's your head?"
Gah. Why did the timbre of his voice have to make her girly parts tingle? Or was it the combination of the material caressing her skin paired with the way he spoke to her?
"It still hurts, but it's much better than when I first woke up."
She crawled onto the bed and tried her best to keep her modesty because, oh hey, the only thing beneath the shirt was her panties.
"Which reminds me, why exactly am I in your bed?"
She hoped it sounded nonchalant as she picked at her waffles.
"How much do you remember about last night?"
Shantae stopped mid-chew. Something about the cautious way he asked had the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end and embarrassment flood her.
"Still a bit hazy after leaving Trista's. I know we drank a lot of wine. Likea lot, a lot." The waffle stuck a bit in her throat the longer she tried to rack her brain. Reaching for the juice. She took a moment to gather herself. "Why do you ask?"
"No reason. Just curious what you remember."
It was like that one sentence opened up the floodgates of her mind. Images of her throwing herself at Camron flitted through. The way she begged him to undress and fuck her. She glanced down at the T-shirt she was wearing. Part of her fantasy came true. Except if her memories were correct, and she believed they were, Camron had stripped her methodically and quickly shoved her into one of his shirts.
"Oh my God," she groaned. "Did I really say that to you?"
"That you wanted me to fuck you like a daddy fucks his good girl when she behaves? Ah yeah, you did."
She dropped her head into her hands. What did that even mean? Okay, sure, she liked to read daddy-dom romance novels, but that wasn't her kink. At least, she didn't think it was.
"I'm so sorry." She couldn't look at him. She could only imagine what he thought about her. "For everything. Not only what I said and how I acted, but the fact that I kicked you out of your own bed."